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ogrand committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent f84ed24 commit 0d99126
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Showing 2 changed files with 15 additions and 2 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ RUN printf '\n=====================================================\n Install sy
sed -i 's/^PubkeyAuthentication .*/PubkeyAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && sed -i 's/^.*PasswordAuthentication yes.*/PasswordAuthentication no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \
sed -i 's/.*\[supervisord\].*/&\nnodaemon=true\nloglevel=debug/' /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf && \
sed -i 's/^#Upstream http some.*/upstream http system-internet-http-proxy.internal.paas:3128 ""/' /etc/tinyproxy/tinyproxy.conf && sed -i 's/^ConnectPort /#ConnectPort /' /etc/tinyproxy/tinyproxy.conf && \
printf '\nYour are logged into ubuntu tools container :\n- "tools" command display available tools.\n- "/data" is the only persistant volume (do not save data on other fs).\n\n' > /etc/motd && chmod 644 /etc/motd && \
mkdir -p /var/run/sshd /var/log/supervisor /data/shared /home/bosh/.ssh && chmod 700 /home/bosh /home/bosh/.ssh && \
printf '\n=====================================================\n Install clis and tools\n=====================================================\n' && \
installBinary() { printf "\n=> Add $1 CLI\n" ; curl -sSLo /usr/local/bin/$2 "$3" ; } && \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,7 +183,9 @@ RUN printf '\n=====================================================\n Install sy
addCompletion "YTT" "ytt" "completion bash" && \
printf '\n=> Add XDG-TOOL\n' && printf '#!/bin/bash\necho "Simulating browser invocation from xdg-open call with params: $@"\nsleep 1\nexit 0\n' > /usr/bin/xdg-open && chmod 755 /usr/bin/xdg-open && \
printf '\n=====================================================\n Configure user account\n=====================================================\n' && \
mv /tmp/tools/profiles/profile /home/bosh/.profile && chmod 664 /home/bosh/.profile && mv /tmp/tools/profiles/bash_profile /home/bosh/bash_profile && mv /tmp/tools/profiles/bash_aliases /home/bosh/.bash_aliases && mv /tmp/tools/profiles/sshd.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ && \
mv /tmp/tools/profiles/motd /etc/motd && chmod 644 /etc/motd && \
mv /tmp/tools/profiles/profile /home/bosh/.profile && chmod 664 /home/bosh/.profile && mv /tmp/tools/profiles/bash_profile /home/bosh/bash_profile && \
mv /tmp/tools/profiles/bash_aliases /home/bosh/.bash_aliases && mv /tmp/tools/profiles/sshd.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ && \
mkdir -p /home/bosh/.k9s/skins && mv /tmp/tools/k9s/skin.yaml /home/bosh/.k9s/skins/skin.yaml && mv /tmp/tools/k9s/*.yaml /home/bosh/.k9s/ && \
mv /tmp/tools/completion/* /etc/bash_completion.d/ && chmod 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/* && mv /tmp/tools/scripts/*.sh /usr/local/bin/ && \
printf '\n=====================================================\n Cleanup image\n=====================================================\n' && \
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions tools/profiles/motd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
| __ ) __ _ ___| |_(_) ___ _ __
| _ \ / _` / __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \
| |_) | (_| \__ \ |_| | (_) | | | |
|____/ \__,_|___/\__|_|\___/|_| |_|

Ceci est un système propriété de et opéré par ORANGE S.A.

Article 323-1 et suivants du code pénal:
Le fait d'accéder ou de se maintenir frauduleusement, dans tout ou partie d'un
système de traitement automatisé de données est puni de deux ans d'emprisonnement et
de 3000 euros d'amende (150 000 euros pour les personnes morales).

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