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@jcelerier jcelerier released this 05 Feb 14:24

New features & changes

  • Improvements to the package manager (thanks @thibaudk who pretty much entirely rewrote it. More to come !).
  • Implement auto-scrolling during playback (in the view menu). It will follow either the main interval if nothing is selected or the selected interval otherwise. Please make issues if you see any improvement that could be made !
  • Add the ability to scrub intervals through the tempo process's third inlet
  • Add new console features, reinstate live scripting from js.
  • Video process: implement multiple scale modes (stretch, fit, original size...), in the inspector


  • Fix reloading of shmdata output devices
  • Various build fixes when using LTO (thanks to @ycollet for helping evidencing them)
  • Make Tempo curve disabled when the ports are used to control speed explicitly. Fixes #1332 (thanks @thibaudk !)
  • Fix VST3 plug-in scaling when score has a zoom setting different from 100%. (Issue is not fixed yet for VST2 / LV2).
  • Fix cables being offset when the source or target port have different scales.
  • Fix readbacks of GPU textures for shmdata and others.
  • Refactor and improve camera input, allow to share a single input across multiple nodes.
  • Fix that live edition of shaders would disconnect cables.
  • Add a trivial fft implementation for when neither KFR or FFTW are available.
  • Fix passing multiple positional arguments on the command line, such as ./ossia-score foo.score -platform vnc --autoplay
  • Image process: Keep the previous renderer by default for now
  • Fix crash when removing an interval while it is the one at the root of the execution
  • WIP on fixing texture and device coordinates across GPU backends... a hard task, help wanted.
  • Fix that image being dropped on the score were not put in cache, leading to them being reloaded twice for no good reason. Thanks to @josephlarralde for noticing a lot of bugs and issues in there
  • Fix files with names such as "foo..wav" not loading (thanks @josephlarralde)
  • JIT: Cache factories and fix a serialization bug for copy paste
  • Fix video rendering logic by putting the frame pulling in the node instead of the renderer