The project simulates an e-commerce for buying and selling books and stationery. Made with Typescript and React, it gets data from the application backend.
- Description
- Content Table
- Getting Started
- Running and Building the App
- Heroku
- Structure
- Technologies
- License
Before continue, be sure to have Git and Node.js installed.
To clone the repository, use:
$ git clone ''
Then, install all of it's dependencies:
$ npm install
For VSCode developers, it's also highly recommended to install some extensions:
- ESLint
- Prettier - Code formatter
- vscode-styled-components
To run the app in development mode:
$ npm start
Building the app for production:
$ npm run build
The project uses Heroku to host it's development version. It can be accessed by clicking here.
To send the app to Heroku, first create a file named .env.local and put in it the template bellow:
PORT = 3000;
The PORT is not fixed and may be changed
Then, add the Heroku repository:
$ git remote add heroku
$ git checkout master
$ git merge develop
$ git push heroku master
The project uses the atomic design pattern to organize it's components, so be sure to select the correct folder according to the pattern's concepts.
Ex.: creating the Button, ListItem and List components:
- index.tsx
- styles.ts
- index.tsx
- styles.ts
- index.tsx
- styles.ts
The PaperBook project is licensed under the MIT license.