Scripts simplifying programming of glowing juggling props from aerotech.
Supports syntax as described in User guide V2.3
--input <input file>
--num <number of props/output files>
--labels <label file>
glo file example to make clubs 1 & 3 red, club 2 blue and all others green
C, 255, 0, 0
C, 0, 0, 255
C, 0, 255, 0
; <1,3>
C, 255, 0, 0
; <end>
; <default>
C, 0, 255, 0
; <end>
label file:
17.606795 17.606795 a
21.781043 21.781043 b
glo file:
C, 255, 0, 0
C, 0, 255, 0
D, 1760 ;L-a
C, 255, 0, 0
D, 418 ;L-b
C, 0, 255, 0
the script creates a video (using avconv), simulating the light sequences of multiple glowing juggling props. it is also possible to include an audio file.
- avconv
- libx264
- libvo_aacenc
--input <glo input files>
--audio <audio file (mp3)>
--width <output width> (default: 640)
--height <output height> (default: relative to width for 16:9 ratio)
--output <output file name> (default: output.mp4)
--fps <output frames per second> (default: 30)
amplify flag causes color components to be manipulated (low values are raised using sqrt function). The resulting colors look more like the colors the glowclubs generate.
width option is useful to speed up encoding (e.g. 160)
- strobing effects faster than the fps cannot be visualized / results can look quite bad
- implementation of the RAMP command is simplified