Maltego machines help automate the work that gets done inside of Paterva's Maltego product. Machines can run several transforms at once or be setup to run specific tasks at regular intervals. This repository is meant to hold Maltego machines related to PassiveTotal to improve analyst workflows and speed up the investigative process.
This repository is split into two different sections, PassiveTotal machines and Community machines. The team at PassiveTotal will continue to release machines as they find new ways to interact with datasets, but gladly welcome help from users of PassiveTotal. Have an idea? Great! Submit a pull request or shoot us a message at [email protected] so we can get your machine added to the repository.
- Open up Maltego
- On the top ribbon menu, click "Machines"
- Click "New Machine"
- Fill out the name and details about the machine
- Select "macro" as the machine type
- Copy and paste the machines you wish to use from this repository
If you run into any issues when installing machines, please submit an issue to this repository and we will take care of it!