In this project I'm demonstrating you the most interesting features of Istio for building service mesh with Spring Boot on Kubernetes.
Currently, you may find examples of two Spring Boot applications that may be deployed on Kubernetes. The application caller-service is calling callme-service using Istio rules.
- The older article about it has been published in 2018, and based on Istio in version 0.8. The example has been moved to the branch old_master. Detailed description can be found here: Service Mesh with Istio on Kubernetes in 5 steps
- The latest example is based on Istio 1.5 and Spring Boot 2.2. The example is available in the branch master. Detailed description can be found here: Circuit breaker and retries on Kubernetes with Istio and Spring Boot.
- How to use Telepresence for intercepting traffic in Istio mesh. The example is available in the branch master. Detailed description can be found here: Development on Kubernetes with Telepresence and Skaffold.