A bot that allows you to chat to people via SMS inside of Slack.
This was very quickly hacked together over a day, and has no tests. This will hopefully be improved when I have some spare time.
This bot can be deployed directly to Heroku. Standard integration is very simple, just set the following URL as
the Twilio incoming SMS webhook URL: http://<app-name>.herokuapp.com/incoming
. It supports either GET or POST requests. It works only with a Twilio messaging service, with which you'll need to associate at least one phone number.
Create a custom integration bot in Slack and set the API key and channel in env vars.
SMS messages will automatically be posted to the configured channel. To reply, use one of the following:
@smsbot send +447911111111 Example reply message, hello!
@smsbot reply +447911111111 Example reply message, hello!
@smsbot +447911111111 Example reply message, hello!
<-- so very lazy
You can attach extra information to the request by forwarding the incoming SMS webhook from your own server using TwiML. Here's an example in Rails. You currently need to use the URLcrypt library to secure the extra content, however this could be changed/optional in future.
class WebhooksController < ApplicationController
def sms
url = URI.parse("http://<app-name>.herokuapp.com/incoming")
from_phone_number = params['From']
if from_phone_number.present?
user = User.find_by(phone_number: PhonyRails.normalize_number(from_phone_number))
if user.present?
extra = [
title: "Name",
text: user.full_name
title: "Email",
text: user.email
url.query = URI.encode_www_form({ extra: URLcrypt.encrypt(JSON.generate(extra)) })
render xml: Twilio::TwiML::Response.new { |r|
r.Redirect url
The following env vars need to be set.
_your Slack API token_
_i.e. "#support"_
_used for secure data additions from your own app_
_your Twilio account SID_
_your Twilio auth token_
_supports using a messaging service only, due to automatic region detection_
- Clone the repo.
bundle install
- Create an .env file containing the same values specified in heroku.
to start server.- Use ngrok or similar to reverse-proxy the port to the outside world.
- Create a slack bot or re-use Brittany's
. git push
to master to deploy to heroku.