Formal grammar definition for the PlantUML language, designed for syntax parsing, validation, and editor integration.
- Build upon the excellent work from vscode-plantuml.
- Become the official source for the PlantUML syntax used by GitHub Linguist.
- Enable the maintenance of syntax definitions for multiple tools and platforms, such as:
- Visual Studio Code: Improved syntax highlighting and parsing extensions.
- GitHub Linguist: For accurate language detection and rendering on GitHub.
- JetBrains IDEs: Syntax support for IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, etc.
- TextMate/Atom: Legacy syntax definitions for these editors.
- Tree-sitter: For modern syntax parsing in tools like Neovim.
- Sublime Text: Updated syntax highlighting packages.
- ACE Editor: Syntax highlighting support for this lightweight, embeddable code editor.
- Online editors: Such as GitPod or web-based IDEs.
- Language servers (LSP): Providing advanced features like autocompletion and diagnostics.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.