Source code for (partial)
- At least PHP 5.6 (default PHP 5 installation on apt is PHP 5.5, make sure to install PHP 5.6 instead), PHP 7.0+ recommended
- PHP YAML extension
- PHP cURL extension
- probably other things that I forgot
Clone this repo at the document root of your website. It is because some hyperlinks explicitly indicate as /file.php
. Assuming /var/www/html
in this page.
Please allow read/write access to the parent directory of the document root of the website, i.e. /var/www
. I do that with chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
A GitHub service client_id + client_secret is required to be set up at /var/www/cid.txt
and /var/www/secret.txt
. The service should redirect the clien to /insta/accessToken.php
A GitHub API access token for any valid account (without any scopes required) is required at /var/www/token.txt
All these three files should contain the tokens/secrets in plaintext. No trimming would be done by the PHP script.
You are recommended to add a file .git/.htaccess
with the content:
deny from all
for the sake of security.
This website generates files at /var/www/html/insta/data/ without deleting them. If you find the directory too resource-consuming, please add a cronjob yourself to clean it.
Here is a list of PHP extensions used by the website at
[0] => Core
[1] => date
[2] => ereg
[3] => libxml
[4] => openssl
[5] => pcre
[6] => zlib
[7] => bcmath
[8] => bz2
[9] => calendar
[10] => ctype
[11] => dba
[12] => dom
[13] => hash
[14] => fileinfo
[15] => filter
[16] => ftp
[17] => gettext
[18] => SPL
[19] => iconv
[20] => mbstring
[21] => session
[22] => posix
[23] => Reflection
[24] => standard
[25] => shmop
[26] => SimpleXML
[27] => soap
[28] => sockets
[29] => Phar
[30] => exif
[31] => sysvmsg
[32] => sysvsem
[33] => sysvshm
[34] => tokenizer
[35] => wddx
[36] => xml
[37] => xmlreader
[38] => xmlwriter
[39] => zip
[40] => apache2handler
[41] => yaml
[42] => Weakref
[43] => PDO
[44] => curl
[45] => json
[46] => readline
[47] => mhash
[48] => Zend OPcache