An incomplete rewrite of FactionsPro for PMMP PocketMine-MP by Tethered
- Easily create, delete, and manage factions
- Players in the same faction don't inflict PVP damage on each other
- Kick annoying players
- Invite anyone you want (they can accept or deny the invite)
- Claim plots and create a dominating base
- Three ranks: Member, Officer and Leader
- /f about - view plugin information
- /f accept - accept an invite
- /f claim - claim a plot of land (two snow blocks will mark out the corners)
- /f create - create a faction
- /f del - delete your faction (if you are the leader)
- /f demote - demote a player from Officer to Member
- /f deny - decline an invite
- /f home - go to your Faction's home
- /f help - display all FactionsPro commands
- /f info - display your Faction's info and MOTD
- /f info - display another Faction's info and MOTD
- /f invite - invite a player
- /f kick - remove someone from the faction
- /f leader - give your leadership to someone else
- /f leave - leave a faction you are currently in
- /f motd - set the message of the day for your faction
- /f promote - promote a player to Officer rank
- /f sethome - set your Faction's home point
- /f unclaim - unclaim your plot
- /f unsethome unset your Faction's home
There is only one permission for all the faction commands. Some commands are OP only.
- access to FactionsPro user commands.
Add PureChat to display factions in chat, and AntiSpamPro to prevent inappropriate fac names
Credit and thanks to TETHERED for writing this plugin, and various other teams who contributed other parts of the code. Let us know if you'd like credit, we don't know who you all are.