An implementation of the puzzle game Nonograms, in Scala.
The engine is completely immutable, and all components are nicely separated with no strong binding between UI and game logic.
There is a web UI, produced by transpiling Scala UI logic into Javascript with ScalaJS.
Playable. Update: due to some missing code, probably not checked-in and now lost, the game is runnable but not playable - e.g. mouse clicks will not do anything.
The solver AI is coming along and can find a solvable 10x10 puzzle usually given 20 random boards or less, but it could be a lot smarter.
Clone the project.
sbt fastOptJS
Then open src/main/resources/www/html/index.html in Chrome. You should see a display like this:
(These instructions are just for me)
sbt fullOptJS
cp src/main/resources/www/css/nonograms.css ../www/hugo/static/css
cp target/scala-2.12/nonograms-opt.js ../www/hugo/static/js/