===== Omnikstats will search for your (WIFI connected) Omnik solar inverter and then download its statistics. Statistics can be logged to a CSV data file and/or uploaded to PVoutput.org
With a 5 minute interval cronjob, this program can upload statistics to PVoutput.org
You only have to edit omnik.conf with your APIkey and System ID, to be provided by PVoutput.org
- You may have to update first: sudo apt-get update
- The curl development must be installed: sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
- Clone the source with sudo git clone https://github.com/arjen/omnikstats.git
- Edit omnik.conf with your API key and SystemID
- do a make clean
- do a make all
- run: ./omnikstats -? for the usage.
The following cronjob command starts omnikstats every 5 minutes between 6 AM and 11 PM (no use to get statistics during night time)
*/5 6-22 * * * /<path to omnikstats>/omnikstats
On my raspberry, the cronjob did not start in the correct directory. Further, pvoutput only registers every 10 minutes so edit cronjob with: (enter sudo crontab -e)
*/10 6-22 * * * cd <path to omnikstats> && /<path to omnikstats>/omnikstats
- If no key and/or systemID is provided the program will still run (with an error from PVoutput)
- This program might not work for all Omnik inverters. Contact me for possible solutions.
- If you have more than 1 string in your solar system, it will get the statistics and -if desired- will log this to CSV. However, only the first string will be uploaded to PVoutput.org (for now)