Paper link:
To set up the project, clone the repository and create a virtual environment:
cd webagents-step
pyenv virtualenv webagents-step
pyenv activate webagents-step
Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install WebArena from this repository.
Generate test data configs:
python scripts/
You will see *.json
files generated in config_files/ folder. Copy these over to a tasks/webarena folder in the webagents-step/ root directory.
Install MiniWoB++ from this repository. Use commit 43bd1fe.
To run WebArena evaluation:
python scripts/evaluate/ --config configs/webarena/eval_openai_agent.yml
To run MiniWoB++ evaluation:
python scripts/evaluate/ --config configs/miniwob/eval_openai_agent.yml