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Releases: ptmt/react-native-macos

Breaking: React Native 0.44: Yoga and CxxBridge

09 Jun 13:05
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This is a really huge release that breaks a lot of things, including Xcode project settings.

It accumulates 9 months of a progress of React Native from 0.32 up to 0.44.

<Button> updates, Cursor management

28 Dec 15:35
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[email protected], macOS, performance

07 Sep 16:07
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Breaking change. react-native-desktop now is react-native-macos because it's primarly focused on macOS (Linux branch is abandoned).

ReactART, Perf Monitor, PushNotifications and [email protected]

22 May 18:24
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Some breaking changes:

  • respondsToLiveResize not enabled by default;


  • Added systemImage option for <Button /> 8a97563
  • Perf Monitor! 12fb655
  • ReactART! db6ee6f
  • Hotkeys for DevMenu a228e4f
  • Basic support for localNotification (PushNotificationIOS) c0f0b2d;

A bunch of bugfixes (thanks for @genbit and @beretboat).


12 May 14:53
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  • Breaking change:
    Initial implementation of <View respondsToLiveResizing /> #77
  • Fixed #76: Align touchLocation if Window is PopoverWindow 2c85de0
  • Fixed ScrollView onHandler by @genbit 93dca35
  • Fixed delegate methods for RCTTextView a916fd6
  • A couple updates and fixes for <TextInput multiline /> 4edef41
  • React Native Desktop is available for Cocoapods now: 108e323

UIExplorer, argv, synced with [email protected]

19 Apr 12:11
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On the way to future easier merges with upstream.

  • Returned Android, docs, bots and many other folders. No need to touch them.
  • React and ReactNative both now are different modules.
  • Fixed TextInput bugs and add new properties for settings up placeholder font size and color, focusRing, selectionColor: cfb10d0
  • Fixed blank WebView bug: #56
  • Updated UIExplorer according to HUD.
  • Fixed infinite resizing of window issue: 992f10c
  • Fixed size problems when RootView is not being backed #54 (@bereboat)
  • Polyfill for process.argv. You can pass arguments when an app starting: app --some-arg here 0fd0870 d019b15
  • Returned some of accessibility features: fcbc4fa (@bereboat)
  • MenuManager allows to set native target c1f1663

Now you can use React Native Desktop and React Native at the same time. See here

Synced with [email protected]

14 Mar 13:05
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It's mostly about syncing with latest React Native (2100+ commits since February), especially, related to the packager.

Buttons, Menu, DragnDrop, [email protected]

03 Mar 14:47
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Good news: finally synced with React Native 0.19! 849 changed files with 6,440 additions and 48,485 deletions. Hot reloading, new assets management, Bridge and UIManager changes and many other things. Bad news: need to sync with 0.21 (0.22?).


  • NSMenu manager initial implementation. Control the main menu from js.
  • <Button />. Native buttons have arrived. Sometimes it has to be felt as real OS X, which hard to impelement using <Touchable /> components.
  • Tooltip support for <View /> by @beretboat f090d8f


  • Fixed CLI tools by @pvinis 19520d2 and @beretboat 654ee81 and other: 9969bb0
  • Add LayoutAnimation update animation support by @beretboat fe65427
  • Stretchable borders has been disabled, and finally fixed for other cases 4d6e821
  • overflow:hidden now works b21a164
  • TextInput: <TextInput autoFocus={true} /> 5e25df3, multiline 464a871 and native borders.
  • alert() polyfill works 3e045f4
  • Changed the default location where manifest.json is stored for AsyncStorage. No more annoying folders in your Documents.
  • Fixed DataPicker appeance and event handling: 7923b11

Initial release

09 Dec 12:30
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First release published to track further changes. A lot of APIs still unimplemented. Added CLI support for target=osx.