A Home Assistant and Node-RED based flow to dynamically control Easee EV charge current based on solar production, including automatic change between 1 or 2/3 phase charging, working from 1,4kW to >10kW
This node-red flow allong with a few requisites outlined below will allow you to control the dynamic charge current on your Easee EV Charger based on current solar production. The flow supports 2 or 3 phased charging, where the two-phased is maximizing the charge current, assuming that you have an summarazing electricity-meter, where you can export on one phase and import on the other two phases equalling each other.
- The flow is intended for European grid with 3-phase 230v/400v installations and 3-phase Easee EV charger
- You need a solar-array, preferably with a 3 phase inverter.
- You need a Home Assistant, with the Easee Integration installed.
- You need live-data for the solar production (in watts) in Home Assistant (preferably data updating every 5-10 seconds) The flow is designed for a solar array with a max capacity of 7500w, feel free to extend the switch-nodes to higher wattage if your array is larger, or reduce the number of switch points if your array is smaller.
- You need to create two Boolean helpers in Home Assistant (one for activation of SolarCharge, and one for switching between 2 or 3 phased cars):
(Put this helper in a Lovelace dashboard to be able to switch the flow on or off)input_boolean.3phasecharging
(Put this helper in a Lovelace dashboard to be able to switch between 3 and 2 phase charging (on=3-phase, off=2-phase))
- You need to create a sensor for creating 2minute average production values (in watts) (correct code to your own scenario):
- platform: filter
name: Inverter 2min Average Production
entity_id: sensor.inverter_grid_active_power
- filter: time_simple_moving_average
window_size: "00:02"
- Feel free to delete the bottom part of the flow that auto enable/disable Solar Charging at sunset/sunrise. That does not impact the function of the main flow.
Read the Prerequisites chapter and create the sensors and helpers.
Grab the .json file in this repository and import it to Node-RED
Adjust nodes to your entities etc.
Be sure to enter your Easee charger-id in the four "Charger ID" change nodes:
Change the switch nodes to your likings. Currently the flow pauses charging of the solar production goes below 500w:
Be sure to fill out your location details in the big timer node:
Please adjust the "auto enable/disable Solar-Charging at sunrise/sunset" flow to your likings, depending on which behaviour you prefer.
Et voila! You should be good to go, if everything is done right. Please feel free to give me feedback or contribute if you find errors or bugs.
- Please refer to Easee Developer Platform for more information about the API
- Please only set/change dynamic values, as it stays in the memory of the charger.
- Setting/changing non dynamic values will wear out the flash of the charger according to Easee