Banned Words filter will send new posts with banned words to moderation list. it's a very useful moderation tool to keep site's content clean and prevent swear words.
- Download plugin.
- extract "banned-word-filter" directory, then upload it to your Q2A site's themes directory:
. - In your Q2A site, go to Admin > plugins and select options for this plugin and add banned words, then save it.
This plugin has been checked with latest version of Question2Answer(Q2A 1.7 & 1.6) and should work with older versions too.
This free Q2A plugin is created by Towhid Nategheian, from check out our other Q2A projects:
this plugin and all it's source code is Copylefted.
Question2Answer(Q2A) is a free and open source script for building Question & Answer communities. For more information, visit it's official site at