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Create ChoiState type and conversions to/from SuperOperator
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akirakyle committed Oct 7, 2024
1 parent d6aadeb commit f87dd84
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Showing 3 changed files with 99 additions and 4 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/QuantumOpticsBase.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ export Basis, GenericBasis, CompositeBasis, basis,
current_time, time_shift, time_stretch, time_restrict, static_operator,
SuperOperator, DenseSuperOperator, DenseSuperOpType,
SparseSuperOperator, SparseSuperOpType, spre, spost, sprepost, liouvillian,
SparseSuperOperator, SparseSuperOpType, ChoiState,
spre, spost, sprepost, liouvillian, identitysuperoperator,
FockBasis, number, destroy, create,
fockstate, coherentstate, coherentstate!,
Expand Down
64 changes: 62 additions & 2 deletions src/superoperators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ mutable struct SuperOperator{B1,B2,T} <: AbstractSuperOperator{B1,B2}
function SuperOperator{BL,BR,T}(basis_l::BL, basis_r::BR, data::T) where {BL,BR,T}
if length(basis_l[1])*length(basis_l[2]) != size(data, 1) ||
length(basis_r[1])*length(basis_r[2]) != size(data, 2)
if (length(basis_l) != 2 || length(basis_r) != 2 ||
length(basis_l[1])*length(basis_l[2]) != size(data, 1) ||
length(basis_r[1])*length(basis_r[2]) != size(data, 2))
throw(DimensionMismatch("Tried to assign data of size $(size(data)) to Hilbert spaces of sizes $(length.(basis_l)), $(length.(basis_r))"))
new(basis_l, basis_r, data)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,3 +317,62 @@ end

ChoiState <: AbstractSuperOperator
Superoperator represented as a choi state.
mutable struct ChoiState{B1,B2,T} <: AbstractSuperOperator{B1,B2}
function ChoiState{BL,BR,T}(basis_l::BL, basis_r::BR, data::T) where {BL,BR,T}
if (length(basis_l) != 2 || length(basis_r) != 2 ||
length(basis_l[1])*length(basis_l[2]) != size(data, 1) ||
length(basis_r[1])*length(basis_r[2]) != size(data, 2))
throw(DimensionMismatch("Tried to assign data of size $(size(data)) to Hilbert spaces of sizes $(length.(basis_l)), $(length.(basis_r))"))
new(basis_l, basis_r, data)
ChoiState{BL,BR}(b1::BL, b2::BR, data::T) where {BL,BR,T} = ChoiState{BL,BR,T}(b1, b2, data)
ChoiState(b1::BL, b2::BR, data::T) where {BL,BR,T} = ChoiState{BL,BR,T}(b1, b2, data)

dense(a::ChoiState) = ChoiState(a.basis_l, a.basis_r, Matrix(
sparse(a::ChoiState) = ChoiState(a.basis_l, a.basis_r, sparse(
dagger(a::ChoiState) = ChoiState(dagger(SuperOperator(a)))
*(a::ChoiState, b::ChoiState) = ChoiState(SuperOperator(a)*SuperOperator(b))
*(a::ChoiState, b::Operator) = SuperOperator(a)*b
==(a::ChoiState, b::ChoiState) = (SuperOperator(a) == SuperOperator(b))

# reshape swaps within systems due to colum major ordering
function _super_choi((l1, l2), (r1, r2), data)
data = reshape(data, map(length, (l2, l1, r2, r1)))
(l1, l2), (r1, r2) = (r2, l2), (r1, l1)
data = permutedims(data, (1, 3, 2, 4))
data = reshape(data, map(length, (l1l2, r1r2)))
return (l1, l2), (r1, r2), data

function _super_choi((r2, l2), (r1, l1), data::SparseMatrixCSC)
data = _permutedims(data, map(length, (l2, r2, l1, r1)), (1, 3, 2, 4))
data = reshape(data, map(length, (l1l2, r1r2)))
# sparse(data) is necessary since reshape of a sparse array returns a
# ReshapedSparseArray which is not a subtype of AbstractArray and so
# _permutedims fails to acces the ".m" field
# permutedims in SparseArrays.jl only implements perm (2,1) and so
# _permutedims should probably be upstreamed
return (l1, l2), (r1, r2), sparse(data)

ChoiState(op::SuperOperator) = ChoiState(_super_choi(op.basis_l, op.basis_r,
SuperOperator(op::ChoiState) = SuperOperator(_super_choi(op.basis_l, op.basis_r,

*(a::ChoiState, b::SuperOperator) = SuperOperator(a)*b
*(a::SuperOperator, b::ChoiState) = a*SuperOperator(b)

35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions test/test_superoperators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
b = GenericBasis(3)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch DenseSuperOperator((b, b), (b, b), zeros(ComplexF64, 3, 3))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch SparseSuperOperator((b, b), (b, b), spzeros(ComplexF64, 3, 3))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch ChoiState((b, b), (b, b), zeros(ComplexF64, 3, 3))

# Test copy, sparse and dense
b1 = GenericBasis(2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,29 +154,45 @@ J = [Ja, Jc]
ρ₀ = dm(Ψ₀)

@test identitysuperoperator(spinbasis)*sx == sx
@test ChoiState(identitysuperoperator(spinbasis))*sx == sx
@test identitysuperoperator(sparse(spre(sx)))*sx == sparse(sx)
@test ChoiState(identitysuperoperator(sparse(spre(sx))))*sx == sparse(sx)
@test sparse(ChoiState(identitysuperoperator(spre(sx))))*sx == sparse(sx)
@test identitysuperoperator(dense(spre(sx)))*sx == dense(sx)
@test ChoiState(identitysuperoperator(dense(spre(sx))))*sx == dense(sx)
@test dense(ChoiState(identitysuperoperator(spre(sx))))*sx == dense(sx)

op1 = DenseOperator(spinbasis, [1.2+0.3im 0.7+1.2im;0.3+0.1im 0.8+3.2im])
op2 = DenseOperator(spinbasis, [0.2+0.1im 0.1+2.3im; 0.8+4.0im 0.3+1.4im])
@test tracedistance(spre(op1)*op2, op1*op2) < 1e-12
@test tracedistance(ChoiState(spre(op1))*op2, op1*op2) < 1e-12
@test tracedistance(spost(op1)*op2, op2*op1) < 1e-12
@test tracedistance(ChoiState(spost(op1))*op2, op2*op1) < 1e-12

@test spre(sparse(op1))*op2 == op1*op2
@test ChoiState(spre(sparse(op1)))*op2 == op1*op2
@test spost(sparse(op1))*op2 == op2*op1
@test ChoiState(spost(sparse(op1)))*op2 == op2*op1
@test spre(sparse(dagger(op1)))*op2 == dagger(op1)*op2
@test ChoiState(spre(sparse(dagger(op1))))*op2 == dagger(op1)*op2
@test spre(dense(dagger(op1)))*op2 dagger(op1)*op2
@test ChoiState(spre(dense(dagger(op1))))*op2 dagger(op1)*op2
@test sprepost(sparse(op1), op1)*op2 op1*op2*op1
@test ChoiState(sprepost(sparse(op1), op1))*op2 op1*op2*op1

@test spre(sparse(op1))*sparse(op2) == sparse(op1*op2)
@test ChoiState(spre(sparse(op1)))*sparse(op2) == sparse(op1*op2)
@test spost(sparse(op1))*sparse(op2) == sparse(op2*op1)
@test ChoiState(spost(sparse(op1)))*sparse(op2) == sparse(op2*op1)
@test sprepost(sparse(op1), sparse(op1))*sparse(op2) sparse(op1*op2*op1)
@test ChoiState(sprepost(sparse(op1), sparse(op1)))*sparse(op2) sparse(op1*op2*op1)

@test sprepost(op1, op2) spre(op1)*spost(op2)
b1 = FockBasis(1)
b2 = FockBasis(5)
op = fockstate(b1, 0) dagger(fockstate(b2, 0))
@test sprepost(dagger(op), op)*dm(fockstate(b1, 0)) == dm(fockstate(b2, 0))
@test ChoiState(sprepost(dagger(op), op))*dm(fockstate(b1, 0)) == dm(fockstate(b2, 0))
@test_throws ArgumentError spre(op)
@test_throws ArgumentError spost(op)

Expand All @@ -185,12 +202,14 @@ for j=J
ρ .+= j*ρ₀*dagger(j) - 0.5*dagger(j)*j*ρ₀ - 0.5*ρ₀*dagger(j)*j
@test tracedistance(L*ρ₀, ρ) < 1e-10
@test tracedistance(ChoiState(L)*ρ₀, ρ) < 1e-10

# tout, ρt = timeevolution.master([0.,1.], ρ₀, H, J; reltol=1e-7)
# @test tracedistance(exp(dense(L))*ρ₀, ρt[end]) < 1e-6
# @test tracedistance(exp(sparse(L))*ρ₀, ρt[end]) < 1e-6

@test dense(spre(op1)) == spre(op1)
@test dense(ChoiState(spre(op1))) == ChoiState(spre(op1))

@test L/2.0 == 0.5*L == L*0.5
@test -L == SparseSuperOperator(L.basis_l, L.basis_r,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,4 +247,20 @@ N = exp(log(2) * sparse(L)) # 50% loss channel
@test (0.5 - real(tr^2))) < 1e-10 # one photon state becomes maximally mixed
@test tracedistance(ρ, normalize(dm(fockstate(b, 0)) + dm(fockstate(b, 1)))) < 1e-10

# Testing 0-2-4 binomial code encoder
b_logical = SpinBasis(1//2)
b_fock = FockBasis(5)
z_l = normalize(fockstate(b_fock, 0) + fockstate(b_fock, 4))
o_l = fockstate(b_fock, 2)
encoder_kraus = z_l dagger(spinup(b_logical)) + o_l dagger(spindown(b_logical))
encoder_sup = sprepost(encoder_kraus, dagger(encoder_kraus))
decoder_sup = sprepost(dagger(encoder_kraus), encoder_kraus)
@test SuperOperator(ChoiState(encoder_sup)).data ==
@test decoder_sup == dagger(encoder_sup)
@test ChoiState(decoder_sup) == dagger(ChoiState(encoder_sup))
@test decoder_sup*encoder_sup dense(identitysuperoperator(b_logical))
@test decoder_sup*ChoiState(decoder_sup) dense(identitysuperoperator(b_logical))
@test ChoiState(decoder_sup)*decoder_sup dense(identitysuperoperator(b_logical))
@test SuperOperator(ChoiState(decoder_sup)*ChoiState(encoder_sup)) dense(identitysuperoperator(b_logical))

end # testset

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