Python class program Mid-term assignment
Enter Pin: 1234
Incorrect Pin!
Enter Pin: 123456
Choose a Transaction: 1-Deposit 2-Withdraw 3-Fund Transfer 4-Balance Inquiry 5-Exit
Your Choice: 1
Amount to be Deposited: 5000
Deposit to Account Type: A. Savings B. Current
Account Type: A
Amount of 5000 has been deposited to Savings.
Savings Balance: 5000
Do you want to do another Transaction? [y/n]: y
Choose a Transaction: 1-Deposit 2-Withdraw 3-Fund Transfer 4-Balance Inquiry 5-Exit
Your Choice: 2
Amount to be withdrawn: 2000
Withdraw from Account Type: A. Savings B. Current
Account Type: A
Amount of 2000 is withdrawn from Savings.
Savings Balance: 3000
Do you want to do another Transaction? [y/n]: y
Choose a Transaction: 1-Deposit 2-Withdraw 3-Fund Transfer 4-Balance Inquiry 5-Exit
Your Choice: 3
Amount to be transferred: 2000
Transfered From - To Account Type: A. Savings to Current B. Current to Savings
Account type: A
Amount of 2000 is transferred to Current Account.
Savings Balance: 1000 Current Balance: 2000
Do you want to do another Transaction? [y/n]: y
Choose a Transaction: 1-Deposit 2-Withdraw 3-Fund Transfer 4-Balance Inquiry 5-Exit
Your Choice: 4
Balance Inquiry Savings: 1000 Current: 2000
Do you want to do another Transaction? [y/n]: y
Choose a Transaction: 1-Deposit 2-Withdraw 3-Fund Transfer 4-Balance Inquiry 5-Exit
Your Choice: 5
Thank you for banking with us. Please remove your card.
- Pin must be consists of numbers only and must be of length 6.
- If incorrect pin is encoded for over 3 times then prompt user that card is confiscated.
- The user cannot perform withdraw if the amount to be withdrawn is more than the amount in savings / current. Prompt the user of appropriate feedback.
- The amount to be withdrawn must be a multiple of 100 and not less than 200.
- Trap all other errors concerning invalid / incorrect inputs.
- Loop
- Function
- if...elif..else
- string formatting
- Try, Except, Else, Finally
- All monetary values must be of int type