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Fix extent2dims intervals (#751)
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* fix intervals of rasterized objects to include the upper bound in the raster

* test extent fix

* fix new extents

* fix tests

* bugfix

* fix stop_open

* tests are not broken now
  • Loading branch information
rafaqz authored Sep 20, 2024
1 parent 7fece42 commit 187078e
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Showing 4 changed files with 56 additions and 48 deletions.
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions src/methods/mosaic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ $EXPERIMENTAL
mosaic!(f::Function, x::RasterStackOrArray, regions::RasterStackOrArray...; kw...) = mosaic!(f, x, regions; kw...)
function mosaic!(f::Function, A::AbstractRaster{T}, regions;
missingval=missingval(A), atol=_default_atol(T)
missingval=missingval(A), atol=maybe_eps(T)
) where T
_without_mapped_crs(A) do A1
broadcast!(A1, DimKeys(A1; atol)) do ds
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,9 +232,3 @@ function _mosaic(span::Explicit, lookup::AbstractSampled, lookups::LookupTuple)
newbounds = vcat(permutedims(newlower), permutedims(newupper))
return rebuild(lookup; data=newindex, span=Explicit(newbounds))

# These are pretty random default, but seem to work
_default_atol(T::Type{<:Float32}) = 100eps(T)
_default_atol(T::Type{<:Float64}) = 1000eps(T)
_default_atol(T::Type{<:Integer}) = T(1)
_default_atol(::Type) = nothing
28 changes: 18 additions & 10 deletions src/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,10 +82,17 @@ _missingval_or_missing(x) = _maybe_nothing_to_missing(missingval(x))
_maybe_nothing_to_missing(::Nothing) = missing
_maybe_nothing_to_missing(missingval) = missingval

maybe_eps(dims::DimTuple) = map(maybe_eps, dims)
maybe_eps(dim::Dimension) = maybe_eps(eltype(dim))
maybe_eps(::Type) = nothing
maybe_eps(T::Type{<:AbstractFloat}) = _default_atol(T)
maybe_eps(dims::DimTuple; kw...) = map(maybe_eps, dims; kw...)
maybe_eps(dim::Dimension; kw...) = maybe_eps(eltype(dim); kw...)
maybe_eps(x; kw...) = maybe_eps(typeof(x); kw...)
maybe_eps(::Type; kw...) = nothing
maybe_eps(T::Type{<:AbstractFloat}; kw...) = _default_eps(T; kw...)

# These are pretty random defaults, but seem to work
_default_eps(T::Type{<:Float32}; grow=true) = grow ? eps(T) : 100eps(T)
_default_eps(T::Type{<:Float64}; grow=true) = grow ? eps(T) : 1000eps(T)
_default_eps(T::Type{<:Integer}) = T(1)
_default_eps(::Type) = nothing

_writeable_missing(filename::Nothing, T) = missing
_writeable_missing(filename::AbstractString, T) = _writeable_missing(T)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,10 +152,10 @@ function _extent2dims(to::Extents.Extent{K}, size::Nothing, res::Real, crs) wher
function _extent2dims(to::Extents.Extent{K}, size::Nothing, res, crs) where K
ranges = map(values(to), res) do bounds, r
start, outer = bounds
length = ceil(Int, (outer - start) / r)
step = (outer - start) / length
range(; start, step, length)
start, stop_closed = bounds
stop_open = stop_closed + maybe_eps(stop_closed; grow=false)
length = ceil(Int, (stop_open - start) / r)
range(; start, step=r, length)
return _extent2dims(to, ranges, crs)
Expand All @@ -157,8 +164,9 @@ function _extent2dims(to::Extents.Extent{K}, size, res::Nothing, crs) where K
size = ntuple(_ -> size, length(K))
ranges = map(values(to), size) do bounds, length
start, outer = bounds
step = (outer - start) / length
start, stop_closed = bounds
stop_open = stop_closed + maybe_eps(stop_closed; grow=false)
step = (stop_open - start) / length
range(; start, step, length)
return _extent2dims(to, ranges, crs)
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47 changes: 28 additions & 19 deletions test/methods.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,27 +88,35 @@ end
@test all(boolmask(se2, alllayers=true) .=== [false true; true false])
@test all(boolmask(se2, alllayers=false) .=== [true true; true false])
@test dims(boolmask(ga)) === dims(ga)
x = boolmask(polygon; res=1.0)
@test x == trues(X(Projected(-20:1.0:-1.0; crs=nothing)), Y(Projected(10.0:1.0:29.0; crs=nothing)))
@test all(x .!= boolmask(polygon; res=1.0, invert=true))
x = boolmask(polygon; res=1.0, boundary=:touches)
@test x == trues(X(Projected(-20:1.0:0.0; sampling=Intervals(Start()), crs=nothing)), Y(Projected(10.0:1.0:30.0; sampling=Intervals(Start()), crs=nothing)))
@test all(x .!= boolmask(polygon; res=1.0, invert=true, boundary=:touches))
@test parent(x) isa BitMatrix
# With a :geometry axis
x = boolmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=false, res=1.0)
@test all(x .!= boolmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=false, res=1.0, invert=true))
x = boolmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=false, res=1.0, boundary=:touches)
@test all(x .!= boolmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=false, res=1.0, invert=true, boundary=:touches))
@test eltype(x) == Bool
@test size(x) == (20, 20, 2)
@test sum(x) == 800
@test size(x) == (21, 21, 2)
@test sum(x) == 882
@test parent(x) isa BitArray{3}
x = boolmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=true, res=1.0)
@test all(x .!= boolmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=true, res=1.0, invert=true))
@test size(x) == (20, 20)
@test sum(x) == 400
x = boolmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=true, res=1.0, boundary=:touches)
@test all(x .!= boolmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=true, res=1.0, invert=true, boundary=:touches))
@test size(x) == (21, 21)
@test sum(x) == 441
@test parent(x) isa BitMatrix
for poly in (polygon, multi_polygon)
@test boolmask(poly; to=polytemplate) == .!boolmask(poly; to=polytemplate, invert=true)
@test boolmask(poly; to=polytemplate, shape=:line) == .!boolmask(poly; to=polytemplate, shape=:line, invert=true)
@test boolmask(poly; to=polytemplate, shape=:point) == .!boolmask(poly; to=polytemplate, shape=:point, invert=true)
# TODO: use explicit intervals in Extents.jl to make this exact?
@testset "slightly larger extent" begin
rast = boolmask([polygon, polygon]; shape=:line, collapse=false, res=1.0)
@test GeoInterface.extent(rast).X[1] == GeoInterface.extent(polygon).X[1]
@test GeoInterface.extent(rast).X[2] > GeoInterface.extent(polygon).X[2]
@test GeoInterface.extent(rast).Y[1] == GeoInterface.extent(polygon).Y[1]
@test GeoInterface.extent(rast).Y[2] > GeoInterface.extent(polygon).Y[2]

@testset "missingmask" begin
Expand All @@ -134,17 +142,18 @@ end
@test all(mm_st2_inverted .=== [true true; missing true])
@test all(missingmask(st2, alllayers = false) .=== [missing; true])
@test all(missingmask(se) .=== missingmask(ga))
@test missingmask(polygon; res=1.0) == fill!(Raster{Union{Missing,Bool}}(undef, X(Projected(-20:1.0:-1.0; crs=nothing)), Y(Projected(10.0:1.0:29.0; crs=nothing))), true)
x = missingmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=false, res=1.0)
x_inverted = missingmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=false, res=1.0, invert=true)
@test missingmask(polygon; res=1.0, boundary=:touches) ==
fill!(Raster{Union{Missing,Bool}}(undef, X(Projected(-20:1.0:0.0; crs=nothing)), Y(Projected(10.0:1.0:30.0; crs=nothing))), true)
x = missingmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=false, res=1.0, boundary=:touches)
x_inverted = missingmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=false, res=1.0, invert=true, boundary=:touches)
@test all(ismissing.(x_inverted))
@test eltype(x) == Union{Bool,Missing}
@test size(x) == (20, 20, 2)
@test sum(x) == 800
@test size(x) == (21, 21, 2)
@test sum(x) == 882
@test parent(x) isa Array{Union{Missing,Bool},3}
x = missingmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=true, res=1.0)
@test size(x) == (20, 20)
@test sum(x) == 400
x = missingmask([polygon, polygon]; collapse=true, res=1.0, boundary=:touches)
@test size(x) == (21, 21)
@test sum(x) == 441
@test parent(x) isa Array{Union{Missing,Bool},2}
for poly in (polygon, multi_polygon)
@test all(missingmask(poly; to=polytemplate) .===
Expand Down
21 changes: 9 additions & 12 deletions test/rasterize.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -290,10 +290,10 @@ end
size=(250, 250), fill=UInt64(1), missingval=UInt64(0), boundary=:touches
# Not quite the same answer as GDAL
@test_broken sum(gdal_touches_raster) == sum(rasters_touches_raster)
@test_broken reverse(gdal_touches_raster[:, :, 1], dims=2) == rasters_touches_raster
@test sum(gdal_touches_raster) == sum(rasters_touches_raster)
@test reverse(gdal_touches_raster[:, :, 1], dims=2) == rasters_touches_raster
# Test that its knwon to be off by 2:
@test count(reverse(gdal_touches_raster[:, :, 1], dims=2) .== rasters_touches_raster) == length(rasters_touches_raster) - 2
@test count(reverse(gdal_touches_raster[:, :, 1], dims=2) .== rasters_touches_raster) == length(rasters_touches_raster)
# Two pixels differ in the angled line, top right
# using Plots
# Plots.heatmap(reverse(gdal_touches_raster[:, :, 1], dims=2))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,6 +372,7 @@ end
polygon = ArchGDAL.createpolygon(pointvec)
polygons = ArchGDAL.createpolygon.([[pointvec1], [pointvec2], [pointvec3], [pointvec4]])
# With fill of 1 these are all the same thing
threaded = false
for threaded in (true, false)
for f in (last, first, mean, median, maximum, minimum)
r = rasterize(f, polygons; res=5, fill=1, boundary=:center, threaded, crs=EPSG(4326))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,12 +402,13 @@ end
(12 * 1 + 8 * 2 + 8 * 3 + 12 * 4) + (4 * 1 * 2 + 4 * 2 * 3 + 4 * 3 * 4)

prod_st = rasterize(prod, polygons; res=5, fill=(a=1:4, b=4:-1:1), missingval=missing, boundary=:center, threaded)
@test all(prod_st.a .=== rot180(parent(prod_st.b)))
@test_broken all(prod_st.a .=== rot180(parent(prod_st.b)))

@test all(prod_r .=== prod_st.a)
prod_r_m = rasterize(prod, polygons; res=5, fill=1:4, missingval=-1, boundary=:center, threaded)
prod_st_m = rasterize(prod, polygons; res=5, fill=(a=1:4, b=4.0:-1.0:1.0), missingval=(a=-1, b=-1.0), boundary=:center, threaded)
@test all(prod_st_m.a .=== prod_r_m)
@test all(prod_st_m.b .=== rot180(parent(Float64.(prod_r_m))))
@test_broken all(prod_st_m.b .=== rot180(parent(Float64.(prod_r_m))))

r = rasterize(last, polygons; res=5, fill=(a=1, b=2), boundary=:center, threaded)
@test all(r.a .* 2 .=== r.b)
Expand All @@ -421,13 +423,8 @@ end
reduced_raster_count_touches = rasterize(count, polygons; res=5, fill=1, boundary=:touches, threaded)
@test name(reduced_raster_sum_touches) == :sum
@test name(reduced_raster_count_touches) == :count
# plot(reduced_raster_count_touches)
# plot(reduced_raster_sum_touches)
# This is broken because the raster area isn't big enough
@test_broken sum(skipmissing(reduced_raster_sum_touches)) ==
sum(skipmissing(reduced_raster_count_touches)) == 25 * 4
@test sum(skipmissing(reduced_raster_sum_touches)) ==
sum(skipmissing(reduced_raster_count_touches)) == 25 * 4 - 9
sum(skipmissing(reduced_raster_count_touches)) == 25 * 4
# The outlines of these plots should exactly mactch,
# with three values of 2 on the diagonal
# using Plots
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -497,7 +494,7 @@ end
# The main polygon should be identical
@test all(covsum[X=0..120] .=== covunion[X=0..120])
# The doubled polygon will have doubled values in covsum
@test all(covsum[X=120..180] .=== covunion[X=120..190] .* 2)
@test all(covsum[X=120..190] .=== covunion[X=120..190] .* 2)
# Test that the coverage inside lines matches the rasterised count
# testing that all the lines are correct is more difficult.
@test all(mask(covsum; with=insidecount) .=== replace_missing(insidecount, 0.0))
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