library for consuming from a queue and doing work
Tugboat works as both a server (to consume from the queue) and a library (to populate the queue).
To set up the server:
;; in MYPROJECT/tasks.clj, define your task
(ns MYPROJECT.tasks)
(defn sum
[x y]
(+ x y))
;; in MYPROJECT/core (or wherever you want main)
(require '[tugboat.core :as tugboat])
;; initialize Tugboat. This expects a map with config data.
;; define the queue and result backends
{:backends {:queue {:type :redis :url "redis://localhost:6379"}
:result {:type :redis :url "redis://localhost:6379"}}
;; define the queues from which this server will consume tasks
:queues [:queue1 :queue2]
;; how long to tasks remain, in seconds. (redis only)
:result-timeout 600
;; define the namespaces that contain our tasks
:task-namespaces ["MYPROJECT.tasks"]
;; the number of worker threads to use
:workers 10})
;; fire off the workers
For the library, you still have to configure the backends. You can enqueue work by using a fully-qualified namespace.
(require '[tugboat.core :as tugboat])
(require '[tugboat.client :as tugboat-client])
;; call tugboat/init as above
;; enqueue a task. syntax is (enqueue queue-keyword task-name arguments). Returns a task UUID.
(tugboat-client/enqueue :queue1 "MYPROJECT.tasks/sum" [5 10])
;; => "ab750610-b41d-11e1-9ab7-c42c033414ee"
;; get the result/status
(tugboat-client/get-result "ab750610-b41d-11e1-9ab7-c42c033414ee")
;; => {:status :pending :task-id "ab750610-b41d-11e1-9ab7-c42c033414ee"}
;; or, after completion:
;; => {:status :success :task-id "ab750610-b41d-11e1-9ab7-c42c033414ee" :value 15 :elapsed-time .000108}
## License
Copyright © 2012 Ryan Roemmich
Distributed under the MIT License