On the established 2D map, the positions of the targets are marked. The targets are labeled with points in accordance with this sequence” rack , cushion, lamp, stair cooktop
We also store the 2d map call “map.py”
python build2dmap.py
python main.py -p map.png -s 80
In this part you can choose the stepsize the 2d map you like to use.
Next, the system will ask you about your target. Afterwards, you will be presented with a 2D map to select your starting position.
We also output path point called “movingoath.npy”
Below is the result of RRT algorithm implementation
- cooktop
- cushion
- lamp
- rack
- stair
python load.py -p <target>
We highlight the target with a transparent mask while navigating, so that we can clearly visualize the target category