A Discord bot that synchronizes your discord roles to authentik groups.
I really like using the Discord Login functionality of authentik. And also the great Guides that have been written for it.
Although it did bother me that i had to create the groups manually instead of authentik syncing them from my Discord instance on demand.
So i created this solution that allows you to synchronize all your Discord roles to authentik groups with the required discord_role_id
This is a great complimentary application to this guide!
The installation is as simple as executing those following commands:
pipx install --global discord-to-authentik
sudo discord-to-authentik-setup
Then you type !sync
into the Discord Guild your bot runs in to synchronize the slash command sync_roles
From this point you can just do /sync_roles
whenever you want to synchronize your discord roles with your authentik instance.
Enjoy ✨
This project provides a flake output with a module!
Import into your flake:
# Example flake.nix!
inputs.discord-to-authentik.url = "github:rathmerdominik/discord-to-authentik";
outputs = inputs@{ ... }: {
nixosConfigurations = {
your-host = inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
services.discord-to-authentik = {
enabled = true;
environmentFiles = /path/to/env/file;