This project is the web user interface for minting non-fungible tokens on the ethereum blockchain based on the truffle box Etherplate created by Chuck and team.
View Etherplate Demo on Netlify (Uses Ropsten testnet)
Homebrew on Mac OSX:
brew install node npm direnv
Apt on Linux:
apt-get install node npm direnv
npm install truffle -g
npm install
cp .envrc.example .envrc
Enter your own twelve random words in the .envrc.
Also, we'll leverage Infura's Ethereum Ropsten testnet node, so make sure to set up an account and paste your private key in your .envrc.
direnv allow
to export the env vars into your current terminal shell.
Create a directory for ganache-cli to store it's database in:
mkdir .ganache
truffle compile
This will deploy the contract to the network (tip: use --network=ropsten to deploy to Ethereum's Ropsten Testnet)
truffle migrate
Make sure the truffle contracts are compiled and migrated.
In one terminal window, run the ganache-cli (local Ethereum RPC test node) with:
Once Ganache is running, in another terminal start the Webpack dev server.
npm run dev
Your server should now be running at
Why is there both a truffle and truffle-config file?
- On Windows, truffle-config.js is required. You can safely delete the one you don't need (ie on Mac/Linux you can delete truffle-config.js)
npm run build
Note: Currently we are manually migrating contracts against the Ropsten & Rinkeby testnets, and checking the build into the repo. This is less than ideal. It would be better to use a build script such as the file and compile contracts on the server.
For the Solidity contract's truffle test suite:
truffle test
To run the DApp test suite (React components, etc):
npm test
Examples of a bunch of different looking toast messages to show on an error message, success, info, etc.:
toastr.light('test', 'message', { icon: 'info', status: 'info' })
toastr.light('test', 'message', { icon: 'success', status: 'success' })
toastr.light('test', 'message', { icon: 'warning', status: 'warning' })
toastr.success('test', 'message')'test', 'message')
toastr.warning('test', 'message')
toastr.error('test', 'message')