This website is home to the documentation for extensions managed by Red Hat's IDE Extensions team, along with its latest blog posts.
Built using Docusaurus, a modern static website generator.
Begin by forking and cloning this repository.
In order to make changes or additions to the website, the following software must be installed:
- Node.js v18.0 or higher
Install the dependencies by running:
$ npm install
To create a blog post, simply add a Markdown file to the blog
directory. If you wish to include images in your blog post, you can also create a blog post folder to co-locate the images. The filename should conform to the following naming convention so that the blog post date can be extracted:
Each blog post should contain the following front matter:
slug: {Desired blog post URL, e.g. my-blog-post}
title: {Insert desired title to be displayed}
authors: [{Author name as defined in authors.yml}]
tags: [{Desired tags, comma-separated}]
Be sure to add yourself to the list of authors in authors.yml.
Visit Docusaurus' blog documentation for more information.
It is important to build and view the website locally before contributing to ensure that your changes are as desired.
In order to start a local development server that opens in a browser window at http://localhost:3000/
, run:
$ npm run start
With this command active, changes will be built and reflected live. If you wish to simply build your changes, run:
$ npm run build
To load and view your new build, run:
$ npm run serve