This is a pretty simple python script used to query the estimated Inflation and staking APR(without comissions included) for the Unification Mainchain.
Due to the way inflation works with Unification, being variable depending on eFUND usage, this script is just an estimation.
Best if run using a local node with API enabled (see for quick setup of a local node)
The script becomes more accurate with time, since the inflation calculation is based on the average difference in supply over a period of time.
With the way the script is set up, best results come from running the script for atleast 24 hours.
Current community tax is already deducted from results, but not comissions.
Preferably used with a local node with API enabled, and changing the url
to reflect this.
Any outliers in eFUND usage may throw off the calculation(Such as a new BEACON being registered)
Since eFUND usage is variable, results are only a rough estimation
To use, simply install the needed requirements using:
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
and run using
python /path/to/