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HTTP endpoint for LCMAP change detection.


  • adds/enables/disables algorithms in the system
  • automatically configures rabbitmq based on algorithm name
  • listens on HTTP for algorithm result requests
  • automatically schedules results to be produced if they do not exist
  • captures and persists algorithm results from backend production


Get Change Results

  # HTTP GET hostname:port/<algorithm-and-version>/x/y?refresh=true|false
  user@machine:~$ http GET http://localhost:5778/results/pyccd-beta1/123/456

If there are results available the return status is HTTP 200 with the following response body:

  "chip_x": 32,
  "chip_y": 128,
  "algorithm": "pyccd-beta1",
  "x": 123,
  "y": 456,
  "result": "{msgpacked-algorithm-result-structure}",
  "result_md5": "33caa90904b2295132d105bec3135e4c",
  "result_ok": true,
  "result_produced": "2017-01-01-17:57:33Z",
  "chip_update_requested": "2017-01-01-17:57:31Z",
  "inputs_url": "http://localhost:5678/landsat/chips?x=123&y=456&acquired=2015-01-01/2017-01-01&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band1&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band2&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band3&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band4&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band5&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band7",
  "inputs_md5": "189e725f4587b679740f0f7783745056"

If no results are available production is automatically scheduled and HTTP 202 is returned along with a minimal body.

 "chip_x": 32,
 "chip_y": 128,
 "algorithm": "pyccd-beta1",
 "x": 123,
 "y": 456,
 "chip_update_requested": "2017-01-01-17:57:31Z",
  "inputs_url": "http://localhost:5678/landsat/chips?x=123&y=456&acquired=2015-01-01/2017-01-01&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band1&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band2&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band3&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band4&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band5&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band7",

Successive calls return HTTP 202 until a result is available.

Production may be rescheduled by specifying ?refresh=true on the querystring. Existing change results will be replaced once chip updates complete.

If the request could not be fulfilled, HTTP 422 is returned with an explanation.

user@machine:~$ http GET http://localhost:5778/results/pyccd-beta1/123/456

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
Content-Length: 117
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2017 21:05:59 GMT
Server: Jetty(9.2.10.v20150310)

    "algorithm": "pyccd-beta1",
    "algorithm-available": false,
    "refresh": false,
    "source-data-available": true,
    "x": 123,
    "y": 456

Get Multiple Change Results

Retrieve all available change results near a point by sending an HTTP GET request.

This approach reduces the number of requests required to retrieve data for an area, but it does not support arbitrary extents.

user@machine:~$ http GET http://localhost:5778/results/pyccd-beta1/chip?x=123&y=456

    "algorithm": "pyccd-beta1",
    "algorithm-available": false,
    "refresh": false,
    "source-data-available": true,
    "x": 123,
    "y": 456

The return status is HTTP 200 with a JSON response body. One of the entries will correspond to the point you requested.

  [{  "algorithm": "pyccd-beta1",
      "algorithm-available": false,
      "refresh": false,
      "source-data-available": true,
      "x": 123,
      "y": 456
   { "algorithm": "pyccd-beta1",
      "algorithm-available": false,
      "refresh": false,
      "source-data-available": true,
      "x": 124,
      "y": 456

List available algorithms

# HTTP GET hostname:port/changes/algorithms
user@machine:~$ http GET http://localhost:5778/algorithms
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 212
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2017 21:20:39 GMT
Server: Jetty(9.2.10.v20150310)

      "algorithm": "pyccd-beta1",
      "enabled": true,
      "inputs_url_template": "http://localhost:5678/landsat/chips?x={{x}}&y={{y}}&acquired=2012-01-03-17:33:10Z/{{now}}&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band1&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band2"

Show just one algorithm

user@machine:~$  http GET http://localhost:5778/algorithm/pyccd-beta1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 210
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2017 21:19:44 GMT
Server: Jetty(9.2.10.v20150310)

    "algorithm": "pyccd-beta1",
    "enabled": true,
    "inputs_url_template": "http://localhost:5678/landsat/chips?x={{x}}&y={{y}}&acquired=2012-01-03-17:33:10Z/{{now}}&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band1&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band2"

Add/Update an algorithm

# HTTP PUT hostname:port/changes/algorithm/<algorithm-name-and-version>
# {
#   "enabled": true|false,
#   "ubid_query":"ElasticSearch syntax query for ubid tags",
#   "chips_url":"url to retrieve inputs, either file or network.  Mustache syntax accepted"
# }
# Several mustache template variables are available.  They are:
# {{x}} = integer - requested x coordinate
# {{y}} = integer - requested y coordinate
# {{algorithm}} = string - requested algorithm and version
# {{now}} - string - ISO8601 timestamp

user@machine:~$ http PUT http://localhost:5778/algorithm/pyccd-beta1
                     enabled:=true  inputs_url_template='http://localhost:5678/landsat/chips?x={{x}}&y={{y}}&acquired=2012-01-03-17:33:10/{{now}}&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band1&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band2'

Content-Length: 210
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2017 21:15:09 GMT
Server: Jetty(9.2.10.v20150310)

    "algorithm": "pyccd-beta1",
    "enabled": true,
    "inputs_url_template": "http://localhost:5678/landsat/chips?x={{x}}&y={{y}}&acquired=2012-01-03-17:33:10Z/{{now}}&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band1&ubid=LANDSAT_5/TM/sr_band2"


Not yet on clojars. A Docker image is available: docker pull usgseros/lcmap-changes

Running (WIP)

Dev profile

user@machine:~/projects/lcmap/lcmap-changes$ make docker-deps-up-nodaemon
# In another tab
user@machine:~/projects/lcmap/lcmap-changes$ lein repl
user=> (require '[lcmap.clownfish.setup.initialize :as initialize])
user=> (initialize/cassandra environment)
user=> (start)

Ops profile (WIP)

  • Set environment variables per Configuration section
  • lein run
  • Alternative, lein uberjar then java -jar target/jar-file-name.jar


LCMAP-Changes is configurable with the following environment variables. This is only necessary when not running in the lein dev or lein test profiles as the environment is internally defined in those cases.

Variable Description
CLOWNFISH_DB_KEYSPACE Cassandra keyspace for LCMAP-Changes
CLOWNFISH_DB_CONTACT_POINTS Space seperated list of hostname:port of Cassandra servers
CLOWNFISH_DB_USERNAME Cassandra username
CLOWNFISH_DB_PASSWORD Cassandra password
CLOWNFISH_EXCHANGE Exchange for LCMAP-Changes to publish messages
CLOWNFISH_QUEUE Queue for LCMAP-Changes to listen for messages
CLOWNFISH_CHIP_SPECS_URL URL where all chip specs can be loaded from.

Integrating With

Workers can be tied in with LCMAP-Changes to fulfil work tickets generated when an algorithm result has not yet been executed and stored. An AMQP broker with persistent messaging is used to achieve loose coupling and reliable communication between the LCMAP-Changes server and workers.

Actual exchanges and queues are unimportant to this specification, as LCMAP-Changes requires those to be provided as environment variables.

Work Tickets - Sent by LCMAP-Changes to LCMAP-Change-Worker

Content-Type: application/x-msgpack
{"chip_x": Integer,
 "chip_y": Integer,
 "algorithm": "String",
 "x": Integer,
 "y": Integer,
 "chip_update_requested": "ISO8601 Datetime String",
 "inputs_url": "HTTP(s) url for obtaining inputs, String"}

Algorithm Results - Sent by LCMAP-Change-Worker to LCMAP-Changes

Content-Type: application/x-msgpack
{"algorithm": "String",
 "x": Integer,
 "y": Integer,
 "result": "msgpack'd algorithm results",
 "result_md5": "MD5 String of the algorithm result",
 "result_ok": Boolean,
 "result_produced" "ISO8601 Datetime String"}