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Chipmunk enables time-series access to geospatial raster data.

You can use it to define, store, and retrieve collections of data over HTTP.

Deploying Chipmunk

Chipmunk is run as a Docker container so you don't have to worry about installing GDAL or building an uberjar. It will automatically create keyspaces and default tables if you give it priveleged credentials.

docker run -p 5656:5656 
           -e HTTP_PORT=5656 \
     	   -e HTTP_TIMEOUT_MILLIS=615000 \
           -e DB_HOST=<cassandra host> \
	   -e DB_USER=<cassandra user> \
	   -e DB_PASS=<cassandra pw> \
	   -e DB_KEYSPACE=<cassandra keyspace> \
	   -e DB_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS=600000 \
	   -e GDAL_HTTP_TIMEOUT=615 \
	   -e Xms=4352m \
	   -e Xmx=4352m \
	   -it usgseros/lcmap-chipmunk:latest

Chipmunk is configured using these environment variables:

ENV Description
HTTP_PORT Chipmunk's HTTP listener
HTTP_TIMEOUT_MILLIS Chipmunk's HTTP Client timeout
DB_HOST Cassandra node (just one)
DB_USER Cassandra username
DB_PASS Cassandra password
DB_PORT Cassandra cluster port
DB_KEYSPACE Chipmunk's keyspace name
DB_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS Cassandra query timeout
GDAL_HTTP_TIMEOUT Timeout (secs) for GDAL vsicurl
Xmx Maximum JVM memory
Xms Minimum JVM memory

Running a Local Chipmunk

Start backing services and a Chipmunk instance using docker-compose. This will log all container output to stdout; use ctrl-c to stop all containers.


Load presets for the registry and grid resources.


Load additional sample data, if desired.

bin/grab && ls test/nginx/data/**/*.tar | xargs bin/load

Running Operationally

Chipmunk uses approximately 3.8GB to perform 10 simultaneous ingests.

The suggested execution parameters are therefore:

java -server -Xms=4352m -Xmx=4352m -XX:+UseG1GC -jar chipmunk-x.x.x.jar

This will run Chipmunk with 4.3GB memory using the server JVM compiler and the G1GC garbage collector.

It is important to set the minimum and maximum memory (Xms and Xmx) equal to one another after profiling so the JVM can avoid heap resizing operations.

Inside a Docker container, the JVM may see more memory than is actually available to the cgroup, leading to out-of-memory conditions. Setting Xms and Xmx solves this as well.

JVMs 1.8 build 121 and later may use -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap instead of the -Xms and -Xmx flags in the Docker ENTRYPOINT.

Chipmunk's Docker image currently runs JDK 1.7.

Developing Chipmunk

You need to install a few dependencies before running Chipmunk locally.

Checkout the repository

git clone [email protected]:USGS-EROS/lcmap-chipmunk.git
cd lcmap-chipmunk

Start backing services using Docker compose.

Important: If you plan to run Chipmunk from a REPL, be sure to set the scale to zero. Otherwise, the instance you start will conflict with one configured to start automatically with docker-compose.

docker-compose -f resources/docker-compose.yml up --scale chipmunk=0

Create a profiles.clj so you don't have to mess with environment variables for local development.

cp profiles.example.clj profiles.clj

Run the tests.

lein test

Start a REPL (this automatically starts a Chipmunk instance).

lein repl

Finally, check dev/user.clj to learn more about loading data using a REPL.


Chipmunk provides a few basic resources to enable the storage and retrieval of geospatial time-series data.

  • Registry
  • Grids
  • Inventory
  • Chips
  • Sources


The /registry resource provides data about the collections of data contained by a Chipmunk instance.

Get info about all layers in a Chipmunk instance:

http localhost:5656/registry

To add data to the registry, POST a JSON document containing a list of layers.

http POST localhost:5656/registry < resource/registry.ard.json


The /grid resource provides data about how raw data's spatial segmentation.

A grid provides parameters that can be used with an RST (reflection, scaling, translation) matrix.

http GET localhost:5656/grid

For your convenience, two sub-resources are provided that can be used to determine how arbitrary points are translated into other points that align to the grid.

Get the grid point for an arbitrary x and y coordinate.

http GET localhost:5656/grid/snap x==1631415 y==1829805

Get the grid points for units surrounding (and including) the given point.

http GET localhost:5656/grid/near x==1631415 y==1829805


The /inventory resource is used to add raster data (using an HTTP POST request) or to retrieve info about what was ingested (using an HTTP GET).

To ingest data, POST a JSON document containing the URL to the raster data.

Please Note: If you are running Chipmunk inside a Docker container, you must use the IP address of the NGINX server. This can be obtained and set for later use by running:

export NGINX_HOST=`docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.resources_lcmap_chipmunk.IPAddress }}" resources_nginx_1`
http POST localhost:5656/inventory \

The response contains detailed information about the source and a list of the chips that were extracted.

To retrieve this information again, perform a GET using the same URL.

http GET localhost:5656/inventory?url=http://$NGINX_HOST/LC08_CU_027009_20130701_20170729_C01_V01_SR.tar/LC08_CU_027009_20130701_20170729_C01_V01_SRB1.tif


The /chips resource provides a way to retrieve raw raster data. It gets a list of chips, encoded as JSON, in response to spatio-temporal queries.

http GET "localhost:5656/chips?ubid=lc08_srb1&x=1631415&y=1829805&acquired=1980/2020"


The /sources resource is a performant subset of inventory data. HTTP GET requests with a tile parameter will return any sources that have been ingested for the given tile.

http GET "localhost:5656/sources?tile=003009"