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Tools for facilitating LCMAP data curation.


  • Provide both a UI and a CLI for directing data ingest to the IWDS
  • Handle parallelization of data ingest requests


The LCMAP Mastodon application is deployed as a Docker container. All interactions are handled over HTTP.

docker run \
-v /workspace/data:/data \


You need to mount a volume to your container at /data. This should be the base dir to where the ARD tarballs can be found

-v /localardpath/data:/data

And the following environment variables:

${ARD_PATH} - is used by a glob function to determine what ARD tarballs are available for a given Tile ID. The value is determined by the directory structure where the ARD is kept

Analysis Ready Data (ARD) are expected to be organized by Landsat Mission. From the mounted dir, the directory structure should mirror this: <mission>/ARD_Tile/<year acquired>/<region>/<HHH>/<VVV>/

HHH and VVV constituting the 3 digit tile-id. The H and V values DO NOT need to be included in your ${ARD_PATH} definition.

export ARD_PATH=/data/\{tm,etm,oli_tirs\}/ARD_Tile/*/CU/

${ARD_HOST} - is the host or IP address for the deployed lcmap-mastodon instance

${CHIPMUNK_HOST} - is the url to the deployed lcmap-chipmunk instance

${DATA_TYPE} - tells the lcmap-mastodon instance what kind of data it is working with. Valid values are "ard" and "aux".

${PARTITION_LEVEL} - determines the level of parallelization applied to the ingest process. For instance, setting this to 10 results in 10 simultaneous data ingest requests.

${AUX_HOST} - needs to be defined if ${DATA_TYPE} is defined as "aux". It is the host or ip address where auxiliary data is provided.

Optionally, you can define the following:

${INVENTORY_TIMEOUT} - defines, in milliseconds, the HTTP request timeout for inventory queries against lcmap-chipmunk Defaults to 120000 (2 minutes).

${INGEST_TIMEOUT} - defines, in milliseconds, the HTTP request timeout for ingest requests against lcmap-chipmunk. Defaults to 120000 (2 minutes).

User Interface

The Mastodon UI is simple HTML and javascript. If you exposed port 8080 as in the previous example, the UI will be available at

CLI Interaction

You have the option to manage ingest from the command line as well. Just build an uberjar with leiningen, and export environment variables for the ${CHIPMUNK_HOST}, ${PARTITION_LEVEL}, ${DATA_TYPE} and ${ARD_HOST}. The ${ARD_HOST} is an instance of Mastodon running in server mode. It is this Mastodon instance which exposes the ARD over HTTP for ingest.

If you want to ingest Auxiliary data instead of ARD, you'll need to set the DATA_TYPE accordingly, and also define ${AUX_HOST}.

Optionally, you can export FROM_DATE and TO_DATE environment variables, to filter by year the ARD you're concerned with. Format is: YYYY.

To build the standalone jar file:

lein uberjar

With your jar built, and your environment setup

java -jar target/lcmap-mastodon-0.1.13-standalone.jar <6 digit tile id>

And follow the prompts. If you want to automatically ingest any previously uningested data, add -y after the tile id.

Development Clojurescript

To get an interactive development environment run:

lein figwheel

and open your browser at http://localhost:3449/. This will auto compile and send all changes to the browser without the need to reload. After the compilation process is complete, you will get a Browser Connected REPL. An easy way to try it is:

(js/alert "Am I connected?")

and you should see an alert in the browser window.

To clean all compiled files:

lein clean

To create a production build run:

lein do clean, cljsbuild once min

Development Clojure

To get a repl:

lein repl

To run the main function:

lein run


make runtests


Before building a new docker image, you'll need to create a new uberjar and transpile the clojurescript

lein uberjar
docker build -t < your tag here > .



Mastodon, it'll probably be extinct soon