This repository hosts an implementation of a web crawler which contains capabilities to scrape contents of blog posts from security related companies.
- Python 3.6
- NumPy 1.14+
- Pandas 0.23+
- Selenium 3.141
- Scrapy 1.7.3
- Modify to set USER_AGENT_LIST + PROXY_LIST to the project's metainfo useragents.txt and proxylist.txt
- Create configurations under [GithubProject]/config
For blogs which contain AJAX components, create a new dynamic configuration with a file name of your choice. Fill in the following yaml keys:
- search_link = blog home page
- search_action_config = actions performed before the scraping process (ex. click, click and fill)
- page_scrape_config = xpath configuration to locate the blog article links (page_links_xpath) and next page indicator (next_page_xpath)
- blog_scrape = xpath configuration used to scrape each blog article
For blogs which can be scraped statically, create a new static configuration with a file name of your choice. Fill in the following yaml keys:
- search_link = blog home page
- page_scrape_config = xpath configuration to locate the blog article links (page_links_xpath) and next page indicator (next_page_xpath)
- blog_scrape = xpath configuration used to scrape each blog article
- Create static/dynamic configuration files using the configuration instructions above. Refer to existing configurations for reference
- Modify to only include the filename of the configuration(s) you would like to run.
- Run +
- Run
- Results will be written under the [GithubProject]/temp folder