A simple toolkit for the Unity Engine. Controls / Components are designed to be modular and don't use any custom graphics.
UI paging system for main menu or simple app type interfaces. It currently has the following components:
- Pages with navigation functionality.
- Dynamic menu
- Dynamic header
- Dynamic audio system
- Dynamic background
- UnityEditor Control
Each component is independent from one another for the sake of modularity.
- Draggable (Optional)
- Comes to top on click
Scroll List
- Occlusion culling
- Infinite Scroll
List Box
- Switchable modes (View, Select, Edit, Delete)
Image Digits
- Single Digit
- Multiple Digits
- Preview Image
- Display Image
Dynamic Layout (Layout that changes according to resolution)
- Position
- Scale
- Size
- Font
- Image/RawImage
- Sprite/Texture
Slide to unlock
- Flying Object
- Pitch/Yaw/Roll controls
- Horizontal/Vertical thrust controls
- Auto stabilization
- Land/Take off functionality
- Chase camera
- Vision
- Interaction Functionality
- Flight state machine
- Land/Takeoff/Flying/NotFlying states
- Wander state machine
- NavMesh Wander
- Flying Wander
- Behaviour Tree
- Motorcycle Photo by Gijs Coolen from Pexels
- Various 3D Models: Quaternius
- The Dawn parallax background: https://saurabhkgp.itch.io/
- The Dawn parallax background: https://saurabhkgp.itch.io/
- Wizard Sprite: lionheart963
- Turn based combat assets: Brackeys Turn based combat project
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details