this bot will welcome you and tell you about the weather and also give you some inspirational quotes
- ruby 2.7.x
- slack bot ruby
- openweathermap(api)
First create a new bot on slack Create Bot
- Give your Bot a username
- Click on add Bot integration
- Copy and save the Api token
- Click on save integration
Create an openweathermap account
- Sign up in here create weather api
- Click on API keys
- Copy your Key and save it Clone the project
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd Slack-bot
Create a .env file
add your slack bot and openweather tokens
SLACK_API_TOKEN = your slack bot token
weather_api = your oprnweathermap token
Install the gems from Gemfile
$ bundle install
Run the app
$ rackup
How to use the bot
👤 Rida Elbahtouri
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Slack
- Microverse TSE
This project is MIT licensed.