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Example tasks

jenniferward edited this page Jul 18, 2023 · 80 revisions

Modifying the Text of a Page

  1. Locate the file in the GitHub repository

  2. Open the file for editing by clicking on the pencil button


  1. Modify the text

  2. At the bottom of the page, fill a comment that explains the step and, if necessary, provide a detailed description of the change. Select the "Create a new branch for the commit" option and give an appropriate branch name.


  1. Click "Propose changes"

  2. Open a pull request that will submit the changes to the staging branch by clicking "Create pull request"


Changing a URL

Rename the file. Make sure all translation files have exactly the same file name, otherwise the news will be duplicated. Note whether you need the date at the beginning of the file name.

Adding a news post

  1. In the repository, go to the current month directory in _posts/en/ and click the "Add file / Create new file" button For the first post of the month, create a new file within ./en and then start the file name with 2023-01/ and the folder will be created.


  1. Enter the file of the news file, starting with the date (YYYY-MM-DD) and all in lowercase and with no spaces and no quotes, and with a .md extension (e.g.

Remark : if the month directory does not exist yet, simply go one level up to _posts/en and give 2022-04/ as new file name

  1. Add the front matter following this example (including the blank line after the ---):
layout: post
title: "Launch of the new RISM Website"
date: 2023-01-XX
lang: en
post: true
category: new_at_rism
image: "/images/news-old-website/csm_Bach_Grigny_Teil_2_14_caf0cc46e1.jpg"
email: '[email protected]'
author: 'Name Name'

First line of text.

If no contact information:
email: '' [those are two apostrophes]
author: ''

Remark: make sure there are no conflicting quotes in the title, the date matches the one in the file names, and the category is the one you want to choose.
Note on quotation marks:

"title with 'quotes' in it"
'title with "quotes" in it'
"title with \"quotes\" in it"

Categories are:

  • electronic_resources
  • events : one-time events, specific events, holidays (International Women's Day, Valentines's Day, Christmas), conferences/conference reports
  • in_memoriam
  • in_the_news : external announcements, X of the Year, Capital of Culture, current happenings/releases/projects
  • library_collections
  • musical_anniversaries : X years ago, birthdays, anniversaries of death
  • new_at_rism : internship reports, spotlights on sources in RISM?
  • new_publications : books, articles, CDs, new to us, also RISM publications (annual reports, brochure)
  • rediscovered
  • rism_a_z : posts part of the series "RISM A to Z"
  • rism_digital_center
  • rism_online_catalog
  1. Add the news text in Markdown after the front matter. Note that the image given in the front matter (once added) will be displayed at the beginning of the news.

  2. Commit the file to a new branch as in the previous example, but do not open the pull request as this stage.

  3. Go back to the repository home page and select the new branch you just created


  1. Go to ./images/news/2020-12/ and click "New file / Upload files"


  1. Upload the image file we referring to from the front matter "website.png" Images need to be scaled to 240 width max or 180 height max. (Note: images 1000 px wide max seem to scale automatically and then display at an ok size on the post's page??)

  2. Additional images can be embedded in the text. Example:

{% include image file="/images/news/2021-03/proofs-orlando-di-lasso-magnum-opus-musicum1.jpg" %}

  1. At the bottom of the page, fill a comment that explain the step and, if necessary, provide a more elaborate description of the change. Select the "Commit directly to the [your-current-branch] branch" option and click "Commit changes"


Special formatting

Search for something

Contact email

[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

Multiple images in news posts

Simple image with caption:

{% include image file="/images/news/2022-01/henle-blog-rahmer-2 erstausgabe-website.jpg" %}  
_Kistner first edition, 1838, mm. 118 to the end of the first movement._  

Examples: has two images at top has images embedded throughout

Dimensions for embedded images:

675 height is this one:

On this post , the flow chart had dimensions of 1430 wide x 805 tall. It seemed to adjust automatically to the page.

Embedding Google spreadsheets

This can be added to the embed link:
" width="700" height="1000"
For example:
<iframe src="" width="700" height="1000"></iframe>
as seen on

Forcing empty lines for spacing


Upcoming events

<article class="notification is-warning is-light">
    <p class="has-text-weight-semibold">Upcoming events</p>
    <p>RISM will be at the 2023 IAML Congress in Cambridge, UK, 30 July–4 August. <a href="/publications/iaml-congresses/2023.html">Details here</a></p>