Minimalistic emacs-plugin for integration with Jenkins. Still in active development.
This package available on MELPA.
M-x package-install RET jenkins
Jenkins.el is trivial and requires next steps:
- Clone repo to your local disk
$ git clone [email protected]:rmuslimov/jenkins.el.git
- Add jenkins.el path to your emacs path
(add-to-list 'load-path "<your local jenkins.el path>")
- Configure next jenkins.el variables
(setq jenkins-api-token "<api token can be found on user's configure page>")
(setq jenkins-url "<jenkins url. Example: >")
(setq jenkins-username "<your user name>")
(setq jenkins-viewname "<viewname>") ;; if you're not using views skip this line
If you don’t know your API token, it’s easy to find it in jenkins user credentials page. Just visit:
Jenkins main page > People > %Select your user% > Configure > Press on "Show API Token"
Jenkins.el support using main view for user just define jenkins-viewname and it will be used as main view for jenkins.el.
It’s easy to configure the width of column on main jenkins view. Just set appropiate value with M-x customize or set it manually:
$ (setq jenkins-colwidth-name 35) ;; or jenkins-colwidth-id, jenkins-colwidth-last-status
- See all jobs building at the moment
- Start building job (press “b’ when positioned on target job)
- Visiting job’s page (press “v”)
- Enter to job screen
- Same functionality as on main screen for particular job, plus latest 25 builds history.
- Separate screen for build in jenkins.el
- Visiting build page from job screen
- Retrieving raw console output for build
- …