Simple solution for running Elixir, Phoenix and Nerves on a Raspberry Pi Zero with the BLINKT hardware module attached. Purpose: Show a synchronized light on web, and all attached RPi Zeroes. Use case: for myself is to show if I am accupied in a meeting or not.
This repo is not in a very public friendly state. If you want to replicate any of this work, feel free to reach out using issues on this repo, and I can explain the missing details.
To start your Nerves app:
export MIX_ENV=prod
cd ui
mix deps.get
mix assets.deploy
cd ../fw
export MIX_TARGET=rpi0
mix deps.get
export NERVES_NETWORK_SSID=your_wifi_name
export NERVES_NETWORK_PSK=your_wifi_password
mix firmware
mix burn
mix firmware.gen.script
./ <IP>