It's a memory-matchengine, very simple. Written in rust, it's used for examing my rust-study . It referes to a c-language matchengine which runs long-term.
more detail see
cd deploy
./ localhost $dbuser $dbpasswd eth_btc
./ eth_btc
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release ./deploy/eth_btc.conf
python3 ./tests/
console query matchengine info
src all code
deploy scripts of init database and messagequeue, config file
tests very useful test scripts, generate various orders
1.Replay from a specificed offset. But the rust-library of kafka and rdkafka aren't yet support this feature, the rocketmq also is incomplete.
2.Use a better decimal library for rescale a value. The rust_decimal's function of rescale only support decimal part, not support integer part.
3.Performance test and optimize
4.Automatically deletes old snapshot
5.use rocketmq, kafka is not a suitable message queue for more than 64 topics