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Roger Zander edited this page Apr 18, 2018 · 11 revisions

Installation Parameters

The installer executable contains the x86 and the x64 WindowsInstaller package. All Parameters on the executable will be passed to the MSI.

The following MSI Properties exists:

  • CONSOLEEXTENSION (Default Value: TRUE= ; Register the ConfigMgr Console Extension
  • LICENSEE (Default Value: "Trial") ; Name of the Donator
  • LICENSEKEY (Default Value: "") ; Donators Key

Example for a silent installation: "Client Center for Configuration Manager_v1.0.3.8.exe" /q


Extract MSI from EXE

The instalation .exe contains an X86 and x64 MSI. To extract the MSI, call the .exe with the Parameter: /Extract:<targetPath>

Example: "Client Center for Configuration Manager_v1.0.3.8.exe" /extract:c:\temp

Install extracted MSI

To install the extracted MSI, you have to add the Parameter SETUPEXEDIR=1 otherwise you will get the error This package can only be run from a bootstrapper.


Plugins are extensions stored in an external File (.dll). You can remove a such a plugin by removing the file.
The following list shows all Default-Plugins and their requirements:

File Comment Internet CM Console Donator*
Plugin_AMTTools.dll Intel vPro KVMViewer (X) - -
Plugin_AppV46.dll Show installed App-V 4.6 packages - - (X)
Plugin_CMRemote.dll ConfigMgr Remote Tools - X X
Plugin_CMResourceExplorer.dll ConfigMgr Resource Explorer - X X
Plugin_CompMgmt.dll start ComputerManager - - X
Plugin_EnablePSRemoting.dll enable PSRemoting over WMI - - -
Plugin_Explorer.dll Access some predefined Shares - - X
Plugin_FEP.dll Defender Actions ( Enable/Disable and Quick/Full Scan) - - X
Plugin_MSInfo32.dll start MSInfo32 - - X
Plugin_MSRA.dll Remote Assistance - - X
Plugin_PSScripts.dll Run custom PowerShell script from the PSScripts Directory - - -
Plugin_RDP.dll start MSTSC - - X
Plugin_Regedit.dll start Regedit - - X
Plugin_RuckZuck.dll install Software from the RuckZuck.tool repository X - -
Plugin_SelfUpdate.dll Check for ClientCenter updates X - -
Plugin_StatusMessageViewer.dll ConfigMgr StatusMessage Viewer - X X

*) You have to make a donation (>10$) to activate these Features

Example: If you do not want that ClientCenter checks for updates over the internet, delete the File "Plugin_SelfUpdate.dll"

Optional Configuration

Since v1.0.4.2 if you want to make use of the App-V 4.6 plugin, you will need to explicitly put it into your build as it is no longer included by default. For more info see Issue 60.


The SCCMCliCtrWPF.exe.config (located in C:\Program Files\Client Center for Configuration Manager\ ) contains configuration Options in an XML format.


"Adhoc Inventory" Actions under "Inventory\Inventory data" shows a list of common WMI queries which can be configured in the AdhocInv section:

<setting name="AdhocInv" serializeAs="Xml">
		<ArrayOfString xmlns:xsi=""
			<string>Operating System|root\cimv2|SELECT Caption FROM Win32_OperatingSystem</string>
			<string>OS Build|root\cimv2|SELECT BuildNumber FROM Win32_OperatingSystem</string>
			<string>OS Architecture|root\cimv2|SELECT VariableValue FROM  Win32_Environment WHERE Name='PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE' AND UserName='&lt;SYSTEM&gt;'</string>
			<string>PC Manufacturer|root\cimv2|SELECT Manufacturer FROM Win32_ComputerSystem</string>
			<string>LastHWInv|Root\CCM\Scheduler|SELECT LastTriggerTime FROM CCM_Scheduler_History WHERE ScheduleID='{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}' and UserSID='Machine'</string>
			<string>LastSWInv|Root\CCM\Scheduler|SELECT LastTriggerTime FROM CCM_Scheduler_History WHERE ScheduleID='{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002}' and UserSID='Machine'</string>
			<string>LastDDR|Root\CCM\Scheduler|SELECT LastTriggerTime FROM CCM_Scheduler_History WHERE ScheduleID='{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003}' and UserSID='Machine'</string>
			<string>LastMachinePolicyRequest|Root\CCM\Scheduler|SELECT LastTriggerTime FROM CCM_Scheduler_History WHERE ScheduleID='{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021}' and UserSID='Machine'</string>
			<string>LastReboot|root\cimv2|SELECT LastBootUpTime FROM Win32_OperatingSystem</string>
			<string>InstallDate|root\cimv2|SELECT InstallDate FROM Win32_OperatingSystem</string>
			<string>CurrentUser|root\cimv2|SELECT Username FROM Win32_ComputerSystem</string>
			<string>PrimaryUsers|ROOT\ccm\Policy\Machine\ActualConfig|SELECT * FROM CCM_UserAffinity WHERE IsUserAffinitySet = 'True'</string>
			<string>FreeDiskSpace on C: (Bytes)|ROOT\cimv2|SELECT FreeSpace FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DeviceID='C:'</string>
			<string>DiskSpace on C: (Bytes)|ROOT\cimv2|SELECT Size FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DeviceID='C:'</string>
			<string>Running Executions|root\CCM\SoftMgmtAgent|select MIFPackageName, RequestID, programID, ReceivedTime, SuspendReboot, advertid, contentid, RunningState, State from ccm_executionrequestex</string>





