Installation guide for Xteve IPTV Proxy on Synology with Docker
- Any Synology Hardware
- Install Docker from the Package Center
- Task Scheduler
- General > Xteve Install. User > root
- Scheduler > RUn on the following date and leave as is
- Task settings > Paste the installation script:
docker run -it -d
--restart on-failure:3
-e PUID=1026
-e PGID=100
-e TZ=Europe/Vilnius
-v /volume1/docker/xteve:/home/xteve/conf
dnsforge/xteve:latest - Click on OK, then right click on it and "Run".
- Give it 3-5 mns
- Access from: yournas-ip-address:34400/web
- Choose XEPG option when prompted in xteve
- Add the M3U URL when prompted (Example format: http://your-iptv-provider-domainname:port/get.php?username=iptvusername&password=iptvpassword&type=m3u_plus)
- Add the XML file as well (Example format: http://your-iptv-provider-domainname:port/xmltv.php?username=iptvusername&password=iptvpassword&type=m3u_plus)
- Now to Jellyfinm Plex or Emby > Go to your Live TV settings (depending on the tool you choose) > Tuner Device > Choose "M3U Tuner"
- Add your-server-ip:34400/m3u/xteve.m3u
- Go to TV Guide provider (Relevant to Jellyfin, not sure if relevant to Plex/Emby)
- Add the XML TV Guide: your-server-ip:34400
- Click on Refresh Guide Data
- Go to your Live TV in the main menu and you should see channels and their EPG.
- Enjoy!