The official Cairo branch Samaya electronics Misc storage system
- Mysql
- Node.js
- Express.js
- sequelize
- NodeMailer
- Jest & supertest
To continue development on the Misc store i will guid you with a list,
Keep up the conventions:
- File naming conventions
- variable naming
- using dotenv
- keep up the documentation that is named by http verb in docs folder
- for any generic code please use the specific folder
- for special functions and one time use stuff use the helpers folder
- to write tests effectively you can create a test for each route and place all tests in the same describe block for the database mocking to work
- The server file is dedicated to only using the app file in a server env and for database mocking
- During development we mock the database in the server file to help the front end devs in integration
- Testing files allow for further database mocking specific to the test at hand and are used as the server file is never called in testing
- while doing migrations and seeding use the database folder to host new folders
- use Ldap for user authentication in auth routes and post the user data in the database when he logs in for the first time to keep the token
- ask leader for FIFO implementation in the warehouse
- Make user approvals dynamic to any additional roles
- make request GETing dynamic instead of hard coded functions
- make roles and permissions dynamic instead of hard coded middleware
- user FIFO in choosing stock locations