This is the official Arduino Library for the Talk² Boards, like Whisper Node. Please note that the official repository is hosted at Bitbucket ( but we also maintain a clone of the same repository at the GitHub ( for the Arduino IDE requirements.
This library is supported on the recent version of Arduino IDE >= 1.6.2. You can install it directly from the Arduino IDE by opening the menu "Sketch" -> "Include Library" -> "Manage Libraries...". Search for "Talk2", select the most recent version and click "Install":
You also can manually install this library by creating a folder named "libraries" inside your "Sketches" folder and copying all content there. You'll need to restart the Arduino IDE to use the Library.
The Talk² Library requires the Low-Power third-party library. The library can be installed using the Arduino IDE Library manager, just search for "power management". The library is also available at and a recent copy has been included inside the "extras" directory of the Talk² Library.
The Talk² Library requires the RadioHead third-party library. The latest version can be downloaded from The documentation is very comprehensive and can be accessed on the same Website. Additionally a recent copy of the RadioHead library is also available inside the "extras" directory on the Talk² Library for convenience.
To install the RadioHead library follow the steps:
Menu "File" -> "Preferences"