Search everything you've ever done on your PC. Ask interesting questions and get interesting answers. style.
Some sample questions you can ask:
- How can I reorganise my desktop?
- What are some of my hidden interests I may not be aware of?
- How can I improve my coding style?
Code will only work on Windows. (Tested on Windows 64 bit)
You will need to obtain google tesseract executable and store it in same directory for pytesseract to work.
All libraries can be installed from pip
You will require an OpenAI API key with support for GPT3 ada embeddings, and GPT4.
While working:
- Takes screenshots periodically.
- Converts to text via OCR.
- Obtains GPT3 ada embeddings (which can be stored locally).
When asking a question:
- Uses embedding search on query to find top-n most relevant screenshots.
- Sends text of top-n screenshots, and query, and a meta-prompt ("Here are some relevant screenshots ....") to GPT4 API. Prints response.