- Spark Network Assignment - MVVM clean + Room + Koin + Navigation + Rx + Junit Mokito + Ui Expresso.
- Demo app allows user to answer questions based on category.
- Presentation
- Domain
- Data
- UI calls method from ViewModel.
- ViewModel executes Use case.
- Use case has both local and remote data souce.
- Each Data source returns data from local or remote.
- Data flows back to the UI where we display categories and questions.
- Created a list of categories.
- Once user clicks on first category he/she will be able to answer the questions.
- When user answers the last question from a category, next category will be available for him.
- No category and question is skippable.
- Thanks note is added once user answers all the questions from each category.
- Supported orientation change.
- Junit tests Added.
- Ui tests added.