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A place to store my Powershell profile so I don't have to reinvent the wheel every time I get a fresh copy of Windows


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A place to store my Powershell profile so I don't have to reinvent the wheel every time I get a fresh copy of Windows


Get Windows Terminal.

Update Powershell to at least 7.0

winget install Microsoft.Powershell

Make sure Windows Terminal runs pwsh.exe in its profile, which is PATH'd to 7.0. The default of %windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe runs 5.0

Run $PSVersionTable to check the version

Clone this repo into the folder containing the profile $profile.CurrentUserCurrentHost. Probably ~\Documents\PowerShell. See about_Profiles.

Then run Setup.ps1 which will install the following:

  • oh-my-posh and Hack Nerd Font.
  • Zlocation. It's like autojump.
  • Powershell Git Aliases. This imitates the legendary Z shell plugin. ggl = git pull, ggp = push, etc
  • PSCX. PSCX replaces the pager with less which is way better than more (you think I wouldn't want to scroll backward?)
  • Posh-Git which adds tab completion for git checkout and more.

Then configure Windows Terminal to use Hack Nerd Font.

You might have to refresh the terminal if Setup.ps1 fails to call the oh-my-posh command, since it may not be in the PATH yet. I could automate this but I'm too lazy. How often am I going to get a new Windows OS?

The theme is derived from powerlevel10k_lean.


If you use Miniconda to manage Python, create a new Windows Terminal profile with this for "Command line":

pwsh.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoExit -Command "(& '~\miniconda3\Scripts\conda.exe' 'shell.powershell' 'hook') | Out-String | ?{$_} | Invoke-Expression; conda activate py312"

where the startup environment is py312, created with conda create -n py312 python=3.12.


A place to store my Powershell profile so I don't have to reinvent the wheel every time I get a fresh copy of Windows







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