Creates an alphabetic list of all word occurrences labeled with the frequency and sentences the word occurred.
Uses instaparse to describe tokenization in EBNF
Download from the latest release
$ java -jar concordance-*-standalone.jar [TEXT_FILE]
To build an executable jar, run:
$ lein uberjar
This will produce an executable jar in the target
Example: target/concordance-0.1.0-d0fa75f-standalone.jar
$ lein test
$ cat examples/helloworld.txt
Hello World! The world is round.
$ java -jar concordance-*-standalone.jar examples/helloworld.txt
a. hello {1:1}
b. is {1:2}
c. round {1:2}
d. the {1:2}
e. world {2:1,2}
$ java -jar concordance-*-standalone.jar examples/alice-in-wonderland.txt
www. accept {1:1656}
xxx. acceptance {1:263}
yyy. accepted {2:1737,1740}
zzz. accepting {1:1736}
aaaa. access {10:1658,1662,1667,1673,1677,1680,1682,1685,1685,1690}
bbbb. accessed {1:1673}
cccc. accessible {1:1730}
dddd. accident {2:1529,1533}
eeee. accidentally {1:1527}
ffff. accordance {2:1691,1709}
gggg. account {1:1041}
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.