Keep track of the amount of time you are in your work position using object detection.
Run the app on your video:
python 1 trackworktime/samples/in.mp4
. -
to pause the video at the point you want to define the work position. -
The work position will be a rectangle. You will need to define two points to define that rectangle. On the paused video click where the top left corner of the rectangle will be then click where the bottom right corner will be (see red dots in the image below).
to exit the video. -
The coordinates of the points you clicked will be printed in the console in the following format:
(pt1, pt2)
. -
Update the
value in the file app.settings.json based on the points you clicked in the following format:pt1-top-left,pt2-top-left,pt1-bottom-right,pt2-bottom-right
. -
Run the track work time app on your video again to see how the work position is matched with the person detected. You may need to tweek the work position value in app.settings.json.
The total time spent in the work position will be printed in the console once the app exits.
Identify a brand's text logo in a video for the purpose of identifying brand loyalty.
pip install fuzzywuzzy
In the list
in app.settings.json insert a list of brands you want to identify. -
Run the brand spotter app on your video:
python 2 spotbrandloyalty/samples/in.mp4 --out spotbrandloyalty/samples/out-8-blur-thresh.mp4 --ocr_psm 8 --ocr_preproc_blur --ocr_preproc_thresh --ocr_padding 0.05
Identify a person's sports team allegiances by detecting sports logos in their video feed.
TensorFlow's object detection API dependencies:
pip install tensorflow pip install Cython pip install pillow pip install lxml pip install matplotlib
Google's protobuf (TensorFlow git repository) release:
cd c:\code mkdir tensorflow cd tensorflow clone cd models/research/directory python build python install cd slim pip install -e .
philferriere's COCO API fork:
cd c:\code mkdir philferriere cd philferriere git clone cd cocoapi/PythonAPI python build_ext --inplace
Add TensorFlow API library directories listed below to the
environment variable:- C:\code\tensorflow\models
- C:\code\tensorflow\models\research\slim
- C:\code\philferriere\cocoapi\PythonAPI
Install bazel and build TensorFlow's graph transform tool (using the WSL if on Windows):
wget chmod +x ./ --user cd /mnt/c/code/tensorflow/tensorflow bazel build tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_graph
Gather images with the sports logo you want to detect and annotate the logos using CVAT
After annotation is complete export the results in Pascal VOC format.
Extract the contents of into a folder called dnn. The directory and file structure should look like the following:
cv |-- dnn | |-- data | | |-- training | | | |-- data | | | |-- models | | | | |-- model | | | | | |-- train | | | | | |-- ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco.config | | | |-- ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_2017_11_17 | | | | |-- checkpoint | | | | |-- frozen_inference_graph.pb | | | | |-- | | | | |-- model.ckpt.index | | | | |-- model.ckpt.meta | | | | |-- ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_2017_11_17.pbtxt
Create a file called label_map.pbtxt in identifyteamallegiance/cv/dnn/data/training/data/ with the contents below.
item { id: 1 name: 'logo' }
Create the TFRecord training files required to train your model by running the command below. The
option is the location of your Pascal VOC annotation extract from CVAT.
python 3 identifyteamallegiance/cv/dnn/data/ --pascal_voc_dir identifyteamallegiance/cv/dnn/data/annotations/pascal-voc-1.1 --bnbbox_xml_idx 2 --train
In command prompt
into your local tensorflow repository, tensorflow/models/research
and run the command to start model training:
python object_detection/ --pipeline_config_path=C:\path\to\sem-onyalo\hackathon-ideas\identifyteamallegiance\cv\dnn\data\training\models\model\ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco.config --model_dir=C:\path\to\sem-onyalo\hackathon-ideas\identifyteamallegiance\cv\dnn\data\training\models\model\train --num_train_steps=50000 --sample_1_of_n_eval_examples=1 --alsologtostderr
Open a second command prompt window,
into your local tensorflow repository, and run the command below to monitor the training process. Once the monitor process is running you can view the training progress in your browser, default: http://localhost:6006.
tensorboard --logdir=C:\code\sem-onyalo\hackathon-ideas\identifyteamallegiance\cv\dnn\data\training\models\model
Model steps will be saved in identifyteamallegiance/cv/dnn/data/training/models/model/train/. Once you are satisfied with your model you can export the desired model step.
cd c:\code\tensorflow\models\research python object_detection\ --input_type=image_tensor --pipeline_config_path=C:\code\sem-onyalo\hackathon-ideas\identifyteamallegiance\cv\dnn\data\training\models\model\ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco.config --trained_checkpoint_prefix=C:\code\sem-onyalo\hackathon-ideas\identifyteamallegiance\cv\dnn\data\training\models\model\train\model.ckpt-<model-step-number> --output_directory=C:\code\sem-onyalo\hackathon-ideas\identifyteamallegiance\cv\dnn\data\training\models\model\export
Transform the exported model in your WSL shell. You may need to clear the model directory.
cd /mnt/c/code/tensorflow/tensorflow bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph --in_graph=/mnt/c/code/sem-onyalo/hackathon-ideas/identifyteamallegiance/cv/dnn/data/training/models/model/export/frozen_inference_graph.pb --out_graph=/mnt/c/code/sem-onyalo/hackathon-ideas/core/models/mobilenet_ssd_v1_sports/frozen_inference_graph.pb --inputs=image_tensor --outputs="num_detections,detection_scores,detection_boxes,detection_classes" --transforms="fold_constants(ignore_errors=True)"
Create the .pbtxt file that OpenCV needs to run your model.
cd c:\code\opencv\opencv python samples\dnn\ --input=C:\code\sem-onyalo\hackathon-ideas\core\models\mobilenet_ssd_v1_sports\frozen_inference_graph.pb --output=C:\code\sem-onyalo\hackathon-ideas\core\models\mobilenet_ssd_v1_sports\ssd_mobilenet_v1_sports_2020_10_04.pbtxt --num_classes=1
Ensure that the config path for
in matches the .pbtxt file you created in the above step.
- Run the app on your video:
python 3 identifyteamallegiance/samples/in.mp4 --score_threshold 0.95
. You may need to override the score threshold depending on the accuracy of your model.