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UI ColorPickerEditor by Estrusco

Victor Tomaili edited this page May 3, 2021 · 1 revision

Code for integrate Bootstrap Color Picker in Serenity field.

It's necessary to include stylesheet and javascript for colorpicker in the CSHTML file for your entity type:

<link href="~/Scripts/colorpicker/bootstrap-colorpicker.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="~/Scripts/colorpicker/bootstrap-colorpicker.min.js"></script>

Then make your ColorPickerEditor.ts with this code.

namespace YourNamespace {
    @Serenity.Decorators.element("<div style='display: flex' />")
    @Serenity.Decorators.registerEditor([Serenity.IGetEditValue, Serenity.ISetEditValue])
    export class ColorPickerEditor extends Serenity.Widget<any>
        implements Serenity.IGetEditValue, Serenity.ISetEditValue {
        constructor(container: JQuery) {


        private updateElementContent() {
            var divID = this.element.attr('id');
            var inputID = 'clpkr' + this.uniqueName;

            this.element.append('<input type="text" class="editor flexify" id="' + inputID + '" /><span class="inplace-button input-group-addon" style="padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 3px; border-radius: 4px"><i></i></span>');

                "<script>" +
                    "$('#" + divID + "').colorpicker({" +
                        "autoInputFallback: false" +
                    "});" +

        public get value(): string {
            return $('#clpkr' + this.uniqueName).val();

        public set value(value: string) {
            if (value != undefined) {
                var pick ='colorpicker');
                $('#clpkr' + this.uniqueName).val(pick.update());

        public getEditValue(property, target) {
            target[] = this.value;

        public setEditValue(source, property) {
            this.value = source[];

Make T4 transformation to obtain the ColorPickerEditorAttribute and use it on string field.

        public String Color { get; set; }

Enjoy :)

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