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File metadata and controls

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Serenity.Net.Services assembly

Serenity namespace

signature name description
enum  CaptureOperationType Contains capture logging operation types
static class  PrefixHelper Contains static methods to determine prefix length for a list E.g. to find the prefix that all the columns of a table have

Serenity.ComponentModel namespace

signature name description
class  AddBehaviorAttribute Attaches an explicit behavior

Serenity.Data namespace

signature name description
class  CaptureLogAttribute Enables capture logging for a row type
class  CriteriaFieldExpressionReplacer Converts field names in a criteria to their corresponding SQL field expressions.
static class  DisplayOrderHelper A static class with helper functions to update display orders of all records or groups of records in a table.
interface  ICaptureLogHandler Capture logging handler abstraction
interface  ICaptureLogRow Interface for capture logging row types
interface  ILocalizationRow Interface for rows with a CultureId field
class  LocalizationRowAttribute Maps a row to its localization row
static class  ServiceRequestExtensions Contains static extension methods for DbField and Meta objects.

Serenity.Extensions.DependencyInjection namespace

signature name description
static class  ServiceCollectionExtensions Contains dependency injection extensions for IServiceCollection

Serenity.IO namespace

signature name description
class  CommandLineTools Contains functions related to command line

Serenity.PropertyGrid namespace

signature name description
class  LocalizablePropertyProcessor Property processor for handling localizable properties

Serenity.Reporting namespace

signature name description
abstract class  BaseCellDecorator Base class for cell decorators, implementing all ICellDecorator members.
abstract class  BaseReport Base class for reports that implement IReport and optionally IReportWithAdditionalData
class  CellDecoratorAttribute Attribute used to set the ICellDecorator type for a property.
class  EnumDecorator A decorator used to export enum name instead of the enum integer value.
class  GenerateCsvRequest Request model for a CSV exporter.
class  GenerateExcelFileRequest Request model for an Excel exporter.
class  HtmlReportRenderUrl Response type for IHtmlReportRenderUrlBuilder.GetRenderUrl method
class  HtmlToPdfOptions HTML to PDF options
interface  ICellDecorator Cell decorator interface mainly used for Excel export styling.
interface  ICustomFileName Interface to customize the output file name, e.g. name of the XLSX or PDF file outputted by reports. By default, reports has output file name of format "{ReportKey}_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss.ext".
interface  ICustomizeHtmlToPdf An interface reports can implement to customize HTML to PDF converter settings.
interface  ICustomTitle Interface to customize the report title.
interface  IDataOnlyReport Interface for reports that only contain data, e.g. no design. These are usually Excel/CSV etc. export type of reports.
interface  IDataReportExcelRenderer Excel exporter interface for data only reports. This is usually implemented by EPPlus based exporter. The interface abstracts that dependency.
interface  IExcelExporter Interface for Excel exporters
interface  IExternalReport This interface marks a report class as a report that should open an external URL, e.g. an SSRS report url, or any arbitrary site The URL should be returned from GetData() method of report class.
interface  IHtmlReportCallbackUrlBuilder Abstraction for HTML report callback url builder
interface  IHtmlReportPdfRenderer PDF exporter interface for HTML reports.
interface  IHtmlReportRenderUrlBuilder Interface abstraction to get HTML report render URL
interface  IHtmlToPdfConverter Abstraction for service that converts HTML to PDF
interface  IHtmlToPdfOptions Set of options for HTML to PDF converter (WKHTMLToPdf)
interface  IReport The basic interface for all reports
interface  IReportFactory Abstraction for the a report factory that creates a report by its key and populates it with the JSON options passed
interface  IReportRegistry Abstraction for the registry which holds and allows querying list of available reports by their keys and categories.
interface  IReportRenderer Abstraction for the a report render that renders a report
interface  IReportRetrieveHandler Abstraction for report info retriever
interface  IReportWithAdditionalData The interface for reports that return some type of additional data. For example, the system settings. This can be considered as additional datasets.
interface  IWKHtmlToPdfConverter WKHTMLToPdf converter interface
class  ReportAttribute Marks a class as Report
class  ReportColumn Information about a report column
static class  ReportColumnConverter Contains methods to extract ReportColumns from other types.
class  ReportDesignAttribute The attribute used to determine the location of the report design which is usually a CSHTML file.
static class  ReportFactoryExtensions Contains extension methods for IReportFactory
class  ReportRegistry Default report registry implementation
class  ReportRenderOptions Render request a report
class  ReportRenderResult Render result for a report
class  ReportRetrieveRequest Request model to retrieve a report by its key. This only returns the metadata, e.g. parameters of report etc.
class  ReportRetrieveResponse Response model for a report retrieve request.
class  TabularDataReport An implementation of a data only report which is used mainly for Excel export.
class  UseWKHtmlToPdfAttribute Marks a report to determine if it should use WKHTML instead of another converter, e.g. Puppeeteer etc. (only if configured in service provider).

Serenity.Services namespace

signature name description
abstract class  BaseDeleteBehavior Base class for types implementing IDeleteBehavior
abstract class  BaseListBehavior Base class for behaviors implementing IListBehavior
class  BaseRepository An base class that can be used for repositories (obsolete, BaseRequestHandler) that accept a IRequestContext instance.
abstract class  BaseRequestHandler An abstract class that can be used as base for request handlers that accept a IRequestContext instance.
abstract class  BaseRetrieveBehavior Base class for behaviors implementing IRetrieveBehavior
abstract class  BaseSaveBehavior Base class for behaviors implementing ISaveBehavior
abstract class  BaseSaveDeleteBehavior Base class for behaviors implementing save and delete behavior interfaces
abstract class  BaseUndeleteBehavior Base class for types implementing IUndeleteBehavior
static class  BehaviorProviderExtensions Extension methods for behavior provider
class  CaptureLogBehavior Capture log behavior
class  CaptureLogConsts Contains constants related to the capture logging
static class  DataValidation Contains validation related helper methods for service handlers
class  DefaultBehaviorFactory Default IBehaviorFactory implementation
class  DefaultBehaviorProvider Default implementation for IBehaviorProvider
class  DefaultHandlerActivator Default implementation of the IHandlerActivator
class  DefaultHandlerAttribute Specifies that the class this attribute attached to is the default handler (list, create, delete, update etc). and should be used by some behaviors like MasterDetailRelationBehavior instead of creating a generic handler.
class  DefaultHandlerFactory Default implementation for the IDefaultHandlerFactory
static class  DefaultHandlerFactoryExtensions Extension methods for IDefaultHandlerFactory
class  DefaultHandlerRegistry Default implentation for the IDefaultHandlerFactory
class  DefaultImplicitBehaviorRegistry Default implementation for the IImplicitBehaviorRegistry
class  DefaultRequestContext Default implementation for a IRequestContext
class  DeleteRequest Service object for delete requests
class  DeleteRequestHandler<TRow> Base generic class for delete request handlers that use DeleteRequest as the request type, and DeleteResponse as the response type.
class  DeleteRequestHandler<TRow,TDeleteRequest,TDeleteResponse> Generic base class for delete request handlers
class  DeleteResponse The response object returned from a delete service
class  DisplayOrderFilterHelper Display order related helper methods
class  GenericHandlerTypeAttribute Assigns the generic handler type (e.g. SaveRequestHandler for a handler interface (like ISaveRequestHandler)
interface  IBehaviorFactory Behavior factory abstraction
interface  IBehaviorProvider Interface abstraction for behavior provider which resolves list of behavior instances of a specified type, like ISaveBehavior etc.
interface  ICreateHandler<TRow> Interface for create request handlers
interface  ICreateHandler<TRow,TSaveRequest,TSaveResponse> Interface for create request handlers with custom request / response types.
interface  IDefaultHandlerFactory Interface to get a new instace of a default request handler, given its row type and the handler interface
interface  IDefaultHandlerRegistry Abstaction for the registry that cobtains default handler types.
interface  IDeleteBehavior A delete behavior that can be used as a mixin within a DeleteRequestHandler lifecycle
interface  IDeleteExceptionBehavior This is an extension for delete behaviors that should be called for exceptions that occur during delete. It could be useful to preview the exception and raise another exception for FK / PK database errors etc.
interface  IDeleteHandler<TRow> Interface for delete request handlers that use DeleteRequest as request, and DeleteResponse as response types.
interface  IDeleteHandler<TRow,TDeleteRequest,TDeleteResponse> Interface for delete request handlers with custom delete request / response types.
interface  IDeleteRequestHandler Represents a DeleteRequestHandler. Is used with DeleteBehavior objects.
interface  IDeleteRequestProcessor Abstraction for delete request handlers with a Process method.
interface  IFieldBehavior Represents a request handler behavior that is targeted to a field.
interface  IHandlerActivator Abstraction for request handler activator, that is used to create instances of an handler type.
interface  IImplicitBehavior An implicit behavior is a request handler behavior (save/list/retrieve/delete etc.) which can be implicitly activated for a row type without explicitly attached to that row type.
interface  IImplicitBehaviorRegistry An interface to query list of implicit behaviors registered through the dependency resolver. Implicit behaviors are automatically activated behaviors by querying via their ActivateFor method. See IImplicitBehavior
interface  IIncludeExcludeColumns Abstraction for service objects containing include / exclude column sets. See ListRequest and RetrieveRequest.
interface  IListBehavior A list behavior that can be used as a mixin within a ListRequestHandler lifecycle
interface  IListHandler<TRow> Interface for list request handlers
interface  IListHandler<TRow,TListRequest> Interface for list request handlers with a custom list request type.
interface  IListHandler<TRow,TListRequest,TListResponse> Interface for list request handlers with custom list request / response types.
interface  IListRequestHandler Represents a ListRequestHandler. Is used with ListBehavior objects.
interface  IListRequestProcessor Abstraction for list request handlers with a Process method.
interface  IListResponse The interface for list response. This is used to easily access list response members as the ListResponse class itself is generic.
interface  IRequestContext A service request context abstraction containing services that are mostly used by all service handler types. This is a type similar to the HttpContext but is specialized for service handlers.
interface  IRequestHandler<TRow> Marker interface for request handlers that operate on a specific entity type.
interface  IRequestHandler<TRow,TRequest,TResponse> Marker interface for request handlers that operate on a specific entity type, request type and a response type.
interface  IRequestHandler Marker interface for standard and custom request handlers
interface  IRequestType<TRequestType> Interface to access the request type of a request handler
interface  IResponseType<TResponseType> Interface to access the response type of a request handler
interface  IRetrieveBehavior A retrieve behavior that can be used as a mixin within a RetrieveRequestHandler lifecycle
interface  IRetrieveHandler<TRow> Interface for list request handlers
interface  IRetrieveHandler<TRow,TRetrieveRequest,TRetrieveResponse> Interface for retrieve request handlers with custom retrieve request / response types.
interface  IRetrieveRequestHandler Represents a RetrieveRequestHandler. Is used with RetrieveBehavior objects.
interface  IRetrieveRequestProcessor Abstraction for retrieve request handlers with a Process method.
interface  IRetrieveResponse Interface for a RetrieveResponse. As the RetrieveResponse itself is generic, this allows easier access to its members.
interface  ISaveBehavior A save behavior that can be used as a mixin within a SaveRequestHandler lifecycle
interface  ISaveExceptionBehavior This is an extension for save behaviors that should be called for exceptions that occur during save. It could be useful to preview the exception and raise another exception for FK / PK database errors etc.
interface  ISaveHandler<TRow> Interface for save request handlers
interface  ISaveHandler<TRow,TSaveRequest,TSaveResponse> Interface for save request handlers with custom request / response types.
interface  ISaveRequest Interface for a SaveRequest. As the SaveRequest itself is generic, this allows easier access to its members.
interface  ISaveRequestHandler Represents a SaveRequestHandler. Is used with SaveBehavior objects.
interface  ISaveRequestProcessor Abstraction for save request handlers with a Process method.
interface  IUndeleteBehavior A undelete behavior that can be used as a mixin within a UndeleteRequestHandler lifecycle
interface  IUndeleteExceptionBehavior This is an extension for undelete behaviors that should be called for exceptions that occur during delete. It could be useful to preview the exception and raise another exception for FK / PK database errors etc.
interface  IUndeleteHandler<TRow> Interface for undelete request handlers that use UndeleteRequest as request, and UndeleteResponse as response types.
interface  IUndeleteHandler<TRow,TUndeleteRequest,TUndeleteResponse> Interface for undelete request handlers with custom undelete request / response types.
interface  IUndeleteRequestHandler Represents a UndeleteRequestHandler. Is used with UndeleteBehavior objects.
interface  IUndeleteRequestProcessor Abstraction for undelete request handlers with a Process method.
interface  IUpdateHandler<TRow> Interface for update request handlers
interface  IUpdateHandler<TRow,TSaveRequest,TSaveResponse> Interface for update request handlers with custom request / response types.
class  JsonServiceClient A JSON service client implementation
class  JsonSortByConverter Serialize/deserialize a SortBy object as string
class  LinkingSetRelationBehavior Behavior class that handles LinkingSetRelationAttribute
class  ListRequest The request model for a List service.
class  ListRequestHandler<TRow> Base generic class for list request handlers that use ListRequest as the request type, and ListResponse as the response type.
class  ListRequestHandler<TRow,TListRequest> Base generic class for list request handlers that use a custom list request as the request type, and ListResponse as the response type.
class  ListRequestHandler<TRow,TListRequest,TListResponse> Generic base class for list request handlers
class  ListResponse<T> The response model for a list service.
class  LocalizationBehavior Behavior for handling localizable rows / properties
class  MasterDetailRelationBehavior Behavior class that handles MasterDetailRelationAttribute
static class  RequestHandlerExtensions Contains extension methods to create request / response types for a request handler instance
enum  RetrieveColumnSelection The group of columns to retrieve
class  RetrieveLocalizationRequest A retrieve request with localization. Don't use. Provided only for compatibility.
class  RetrieveLocalizationResponse<TEntity> The service model for a localization retrieve response
class  RetrieveRequest The request model for a Retrieve service
class  RetrieveRequestHandler<TRow> Base generic class for retrieve request handlers that use RetrieveRequest as the request type, and RetrieveResponse as the response type.
class  RetrieveRequestHandler<TRow,TRetrieveRequest,TRetrieveResponse> Generic base class for retrieve request handlers
class  RetrieveResponse<T> The service response model for a Retrieve service
class  SaveRequest<TEntity> The service model for a Save (Create / Update) service.
class  SaveRequestHandler<TRow> Base generic class for save request handlers that use SaveRequest as the request type, and SaveResponse as the response type.
class  SaveRequestHandler<TRow,TSaveRequest,TSaveResponse> Generic base class for save request handlers
enum  SaveRequestType Save request type for save request processors
class  SaveResponse The response model for a Save service
class  SaveWithLocalizationRequest<TEntity> A save request with localization. Don't use. Provided only for compatibility.
class  ServiceError The error object model returned from a service
static class  ServiceHelper Contains some helper methods for service handlers
static class  ServiceQueryHelper Contains static helper methods for service handler queries.
class  ServiceRequest The base request object model for all service requests. Your custom request objects should all derive from this type.
class  ServiceResponse The base service response object model for all service response types. Your custom response objects should derive from this class.
class  SortBy A sort column. In JSON this is deserialized from strings in the format "field" or "field desc"
static class  TreeOrdering Tree based sorting helper. E.g. in a tree, a node's parents should come before itself. Such an ordering is not easy in SQL so we use this helper to do ordering client side.
static class  TwoLevelCacheInvalidationExtensions Contains helper methods for two level cache invalidation
class  UndeleteRequest The request model for an undelete service
class  UndeleteRequestHandler<TRow> Base generic class for undelete request handlers that use UndeleteRequest as the request type, and UndeleteResponse as the response type.
class  UndeleteRequestHandler<TRow,TUndeleteRequest,TUndeleteResponse> Generic base class for undelete request handlers
class  UndeleteResponse The response model for an undelete service
class  UniqueConstraintSaveBehavior Behavior that handles UniqueConstraintAttribute
class  UniqueFieldSaveBehavior Interface that handles UniqueConstraintAttribute on fields
class  UpdatableExtensionBehavior Behavior that handles UpdatableExtensionAttribute
class  UpdateInsertLogBehavior Behavior class that handles assignment of relevant fields for rows with IInsertLogRow and IUpdateLogRow interfaces
class  UploadedFile Uploaded file item which is used by multiple upload editors to store file information in a string field as JSON array.
class  ValidateParentBehavior Validation behavior for rows that have a parent record via IParentIdRow interface

Serenity.Web namespace

signature name description
class  CombinedUploadStorage A combined upload storage implementation that uses two upload storage instances, while serving one of them from a sub path like "/temporary/"
class  CopyTemporaryFileOptions Options for copying a temporary file to its target
class  CopyTemporaryFileResult Result of the copying of a temporary file to its target
class  DefaultImageProcessor Default implementation for the IImageProcessor
class  DefaultUploadProcessor Default implementation for IUploadProcessor
class  DefaultUploadValidator Default implementation for IUploadValidator
class  DiskUploadStorage A file system based upload storage implementation
class  DiskUploadStorageOptions Options for DiskUploadStorage
static class  FileMetadataKeys Contains file metadata key constants
class  FilesToDelete A container that stores list of file paths to delete (old files) if the upload related operation is successful. If it is not, the old files will be kept while the new files will be deleted.
static class  FilesToDeleteExtensions Extension methods for FilesToDelete
class  FormatFilenameOptions Options for formatting a file name
interface  IDiskUploadFileSystem Extension for IFileSystem with disk upload storage specific methods.
interface  IFilesToDelete Interface for a files to delete container (FilesToDelete)
interface  IImageProcessor Image processor abstraction
class  ImageChecker Checks stream data if valid image file and validate required conditions.
enum  ImageCheckResult ImageChecker's result codes.
class  ImageEncoderParams Parameters for image encoding. Currently only contains a JPEG quality parameter.
class  ImageFormatInfo Information about an image format
interface  IUploadAVScanner Abstraction for an upload antivirus scanner, which scans temporary uploads before getting processed
interface  IUploadProcessor Abstraction for an upload processor, which handles temporary uploads
interface  IUploadStorage Abstraction for an upload storage
interface  IUploadValidator An upload validator abstraction for checking IUploadFileConstraints and IUploadImageContrains
enum  OverwriteOption Enum that contains what to do when a file at desired path exists
class  PhysicalDiskUploadFileSystem Implementation of the IDiskUploadFileSystem
class  ProcessedUploadInfo Information about a processed temporary upload
class  TempUploadStorage A subclass of DiskUploadStorage specialized for the temporary upload folder, allowing to purge temporary files
static class  ThumbnailGenerator Static class that contains thumbnail generator methods
static class  UploadFormatting Contains helper methods for upload file name formatting
static class  UploadPathHelper Contains helper functions for upload paths
class  UploadSettings Upload settings
static class  UploadStorageExtensions Extension methods for IUploadStorage and related classes
static class  UploadTexts