RetrieveRequestHandler<TRow,TRetrieveRequest,TRetrieveResponse> class
namespace: Serenity.Services assembly : Serenity.Net.Services
Generic base class for retrieve request handlers
public class RetrieveRequestHandler < TRow , TRetrieveRequest , TRetrieveResponse > :
IRetrieveHandler < TRow , TRetrieveRequest , TRetrieveResponse > , IRetrieveRequestProcessor
where TRow : class , IRow , new ( )
where TRetrieveRequest : RetrieveRequest
where TRetrieveResponse : RetrieveResponse < TRow > , new ( )
Entity type
Retrieve request type
Retrieve response type
RetrieveRequestHandler (…)
Creates an instance of the class
Cache { get; }
Gets the two level cache from the request context
Connection { get; }
Gets current connection
Context { get; }
Gets the request context
Localizer { get; }
Gets localizer from the request context
Permissions { get; }
Gets permission service from the request context
Query { get; }
Gets the select query
Request { get; protected set; }
Response object
Response { get; protected set; }
Response object
Row { get; protected set; }
The entity used for querying / metadata lookup
StateBag { get; }
A state bag for behaviors to preserve state among their methods. It will be cleared before each request, e.g. Process call.
User { get; }
Gets current user from the request context
Process (…)
Processes the retrieve request. This is the entry point for the handler.
Retrieve (…)
Lazy list of behaviors that is activated for this request
virtual AllowSelectField (…)
Returns true if the field should be allowed to be selected, based on is read permission, selectlevel.never flag, and lookup access mode
virtual CreateQuery ()
Creates a query instance with the dialect for current connection.
virtual GetBehaviors ()
Gets the list of retrieve behaviors
IsIncluded (…)
Returns true if field is included in IncludeColumns
(2 methods)
virtual OnAfterExecuteQuery ()
Called after executing the retrieve query
virtual OnBeforeExecuteQuery ()
Called before executing the retrieve query
virtual OnReturn ()
Called just before returning the response
virtual PrepareQuery (…)
Prepares query by calling SelectFields
virtual SelectField (…)
Calls query.Select(field)
virtual SelectFields (…)
Calls query.Select(field) for all the fields without NotMapped, and if AllowSelectField
and ShouldSelectField
returns true.
virtual ShouldSelectField (…)
Returns true if the field should be selected, based on current ColumnSelection, field MinSelectLevelAttribute, the field being a not mapped (NotMappedAttribute) field, table field, or a view / expression field.
virtual ValidatePermissions ()
Validates if the user is allowed to query this entity type by checking ReadPermissionAttribute and ServiceLookupPermissionAttribute if the request is in lookup access mode.
virtual ValidateRequest ()
Validates the request by calling ValidatePermissions