apk decompiler (full process), xml and sources in a single click (for windows only)
this is a package with all the necessary products (downloaded from other repos) and a single batch file to allow execution of the decompile process in a single click,
if you wish to do the whole process manually then follow these instructions:
https://stackoverflow.com/a/6081365/530884 -
if you wish to decompile the apk online without the need to download or install anything then use this site:
- windows operating system (Windows 10 and above)
- Java 1.8 or above installed (https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk17-windows)
- Java bin folder set as part of your path (
set path=%path%;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.2\bin
- Download the latest release from this repo (https://github.com/shaybc/apk-decompiler/releases/tag/latest)
- extract it into a folder (preferrably where the path has no spaces)
- copy the APK file you want to decompile into the "apk-source" folder (found at the folder you extracted the release)
- double click the go.bat file and wait for the process to finish
- see your decompiled apk at the "apk-output" folder (found at the folder you extracted the release)
if you want to updated the software versions included in this repo, then go ahead and download the software from the following links:
- APK Tool (apktool) - https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads
- Apk Tool windows batch - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool/master/scripts/windows/apktool.bat
- framework-res.apk - http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23212708291677144
- APK Tool Install instructions: https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/install
after download: copy the content into "apktool" folder (found at the folder you extracted the release)
so you should have this structure:
-- apk-decompiler
---> apktool
---> apktool.bat
---> apktool.jar
---> framework-res.apk
i also recommend editing the 'apktool.bat' file and remarking the last line (add the word REM to the beginning of it and a space after it)
Dex to Jar (dex2jar) - https://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jar/releases
after download: copy the content into "dex-tools" folder (found at the folder you extracted the release)
so you should have file structure similar to this:
-- apk-decompiler
---> dex-tools
---> bin
---> lib
---> d2j_invoke.bat
---> d2j_invoke.sh
---> d2j-apk-sign.bat
JD Cli (jd-cli) - https://github.com/intoolswetrust/jd-cli/releases
after download: copy the content into "jad" folder (found at the folder you extracted the release)
so you should have file structure similar to this:
-- apk-decompiler
---> jad
---> bin
---> jd-cli
---> jd-cli.bat
---> jd-cli.jar
---> LICENSE.txt
Java Decompiler (Jad) - https://github.com/java-decompiler/jd-gui/releases