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Ethereum, Arbitrum, Rari Chain, zkSync Mainnet, Base, Polygon, OP Mainnet
Q: If you are integrating tokens, are you allowing only whitelisted tokens to work with the codebase or any complying with the standard? Are they assumed to have certain properties, e.g. be non-reentrant? Are there any types of weird tokens you want to integrate?
Staker has uses tokens in two ways: staked tokens and reward tokens.
Both staked and reward tokens will be ARB
Q: Are there any limitations on values set by admins (or other roles) in the codebase, including restrictions on array lengths?
Hardcoded variables:
FOR STAKER: IERC20 _rewardToken - ARB (https://arbiscan.io/address/0x912CE59144191C1204E64559FE8253a0e49E6548) IERC20 _stakeToken - ARB (https://arbiscan.io/address/0x912CE59144191C1204E64559FE8253a0e49E6548) IEarningPowerCalculator _earningPowerCalculator - TBD after deployment uint256 _maxBumpTip - tentatively 0.01 ARB address _admin - Arbitrum DAO Treasury Timelock (https://arbiscan.io/address/0xbFc1FECa8B09A5c5D3EFfE7429eBE24b9c09EF58)
FOR BinaryEligibilityOracleEarningPowerCalculator address _owner - Arbitrum DAO Treasury Timelock (https://arbiscan.io/address/0xbFc1FECa8B09A5c5D3EFfE7429eBE24b9c09EF58) address _scoreOracle - a Karma oracle, address TBD, uint256 _staleOracleWindow - tentatively 7 days address _oraclePauseGuardian - a trusted DAO multisig, address TBD uint256 _delegateeScoreEligibilityThreshold - tentatively 80 uint256 _updateEligibilityDelay - 1 day
Q: Are there any limitations on values set by admins (or other roles) in protocols you integrate with, including restrictions on array lengths?
The Staker contract trusts its admin.
The BinaryEligibilityOracleEarningPowerCalculator relies on an oracle. The calculator should be resilient to oracle liveness and safety failures.
- During a liveness failure, the EarningPowerCalculator enters the failsafe state where earning power is based only on amount staked. This state happens after the
has elapsed. - During a safety failure, the system trusts the pause guardian to put the system into the failsafe state
Q: Are there any off-chain mechanisms involved in the protocol (e.g., keeper bots, arbitrage bots, etc.)? We assume these mechanisms will not misbehave, delay, or go offline unless otherwise specified.
- searcher bots can call
to change the earning power of a deposit if the EarningPowerCalculator changed their earning power. Anyone callbumpEarningPower
- an earning power oracle can upload earning power scores for each address
- We allow a user to claim even if their earning power is zero. This can remove the incentive for bumpers to bump up their earning power
Binary oracle:
- We fall back to stake amount rather than old earnining power.
- We allow a score threshold update to bypass the updateEligibility period
- We allow an eligibility period update to immediately take effect
Issues from this UniStaker are considered known and OOS, so they won't be validated https://github.com/code-423n4/2024-02-uniswap-foundation-findings/issues
https://docs.tally.xyz/knowledge-base/staking-on-tally https://forum.arbitrum.foundation/c/proposals/7 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mu5HMsmnNWhjAiISfnQPznJnErIuyp1kGfAKuK4-GC4/edit?tab=t.0
Staker is based on UniStaker.
- You can find UniStaker's audits here: https://github.com/uniswapfoundation/UniStaker/tree/main/audits
- You can find UniStaker's docs here: https://docs.unistaker.io/
staker @ fda09a661bbe1b5800fa72f52d6367de46740551
- staker/src/BinaryEligibilityOracleEarningPowerCalculator.sol
- staker/src/DelegationSurrogate.sol
- staker/src/DelegationSurrogateVotes.sol
- staker/src/GovernanceStaker.sol
- staker/src/extensions/GovernanceStakerDelegateSurrogateVotes.sol
- staker/src/extensions/GovernanceStakerOnBehalf.sol
- staker/src/extensions/GovernanceStakerPermitAndStake.sol