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This nifty util aggregates all the events from the firehose feature in CloudFoundry and send to an Fluentd Endpoint

The fluentd Tag by default is "firehose.[event_type]" ex "firehose.ValueMetric"

./firehose-to-fluentd \
          --api-endpoint="" \
          --skip-ssl-validation \
{"cf_app_id":"c5cb762b-b7bb-44b6-97d1-2b612d4baba9","cf_app_name":"lattice","cf_org_id":"fb5777e6-e234-4832-8844-773114b505b0","cf_org_name":"GWENN","cf_origin":"firehose","cf_space_id":"3c910823-22e7-41ff-98de-094759594398","cf_space_name":"GWENN-SPACE","event_type":"LogMessage","level":"info","message_type":"OUT","msg":"Lattice-app. Says Hello. on index: 0","origin":"rep","source_instance":"0","source_type":"APP","time":"2015-06-12T11:46:11+09:00","timestamp":1434077171244715915}


usage: firehose-to-fluentd --api-endpoint=API-ENDPOINT [<flags>]

  --help              Show help (also see --help-long and --help-man).
  --debug             Enable debug mode. This disables forwarding to syslog
                      Api endpoint address. For bosh-lite installation of CF:
                      Overwrite default doppler endpoint return by /v2/info
                      Fluentd Server (ip:port)
                      Id for the subscription.
  --user="admin"      Admin user.
  --password="admin"  Admin password.
                      Please don't
                      Comma seperated list of events you would like. Valid options are LogMessage, ValueMetric, CounterEvent, Error, ContainerMetric, Heartbeat, HttpStart,
                      HttpStop, HttpStartStop
                      Bolt Database path
  --cc-pull-time=60s  CloudController Pooling time in sec
  --version           Show application version.
  --mode-prof         Enable profiling mode, one of [cpu, mem, block]
  --path-prof         Set the Path to write Profiling file

#Endpoint definition

We use gocf-client which will call the CF endpoint /v2/info to get Auth., doppler endpoint.

But for doppler endpoint you can overwrite it with --doppler-address as we know some people use different endpoint.

Event documentation

See the dropsonde protocol documentation for details on what data is sent as part of each event.


We use boltdb for caching application name, org and space name.

We have 3 caching strategies:

  • Pull all application data on start.
  • Pull application data if not cached yet.
  • Pull all application data every "cc-pull-time".

To test and build (Tested with go > 1.5.X)

# Setup repo
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/

# Test
ginkgo -r .

# Build binary
godep go build

Deploy with Bosh


Run against a bosh-lite CF deployment

godep go run main.go \
	--debug \
	--skip-ssl-validation \

Run against a MicroPCF CF deployment

godep go run main.go \
--debug \
--skip-ssl-validation \

Fluentd Example ('fluentd' version '0.12.19')

We match the ValueMetric and HttpStartStop and send to files.

    @type forward
    @id input1
    @label @mainstream
    port 24224
  <filter **>
    @type stdout
  <label @mainstream>
    <match firehose.ValueMetric>
      @type file
      @id output_valuemetrics
      path /fluentd/log/valuemetric.*.log
      symlink_path /fluentd/log/valuemetric.log
      append true
      time_slice_format %Y%m%d
      time_slice_wait 1m
      time_format %Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z
      buffer_path /fluentd/log/valuemetric-buffer.*.log
    <match firehose.HttpStartStop>
      @type file
      @id output_httpStartStop
      path /fluentd/log/httpstartstop.*.log
      symlink_path /fluentd/log/httpstartstop.log
      append true
      time_slice_format %Y%m%d
      time_slice_wait 10m
      time_format %Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z
      buffer_path /fluentd/log/httpstartstop-buffer.*.log

Docker (tested with docker 1.9.X / Kitematic)

I use DockerInDocker to built the image Builded size is around 7MG

  • For Github Master branch Image
# Make the image
make docker-final

#Run the image
docker run getourneau/firehose-to-fluentd
  • For development
#Build the image
make docker-dev

#Run the image
docker run getourneau/firehose-to-fluentd-dev


This is a Git Flow project. Please fork and branch your features from develop.


To enable CPU Profiling you just need to add the profiling path ex --mode-prof=cpu

Run your program for some time and after that you can use the pprof tool

go tool pprof YOUR_EXECUTABLE cpu.pprof

(pprof) top 10
110ms of 110ms total (  100%)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 44 (cum >= 20ms)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
      30ms 27.27% 27.27%       30ms 27.27%  syscall.Syscall
      20ms 18.18% 45.45%       20ms 18.18%  ExternalCode
      20ms 18.18% 63.64%       20ms 18.18%  runtime.futex
      10ms  9.09% 72.73%       10ms  9.09%  adjustpointers
      10ms  9.09% 81.82%       10ms  9.09%  bytes.func·001
      10ms  9.09% 90.91%       20ms 18.18%  io/ioutil.readAll
      10ms  9.09%   100%       10ms  9.09%  runtime.epollwait
         0     0%   100%       60ms 54.55%  System
         0     0%   100%       20ms 18.18%  bufio.(*Reader).Read
         0     0%   100%       20ms 18.18%  bufio.(*Reader).fill

For Mac OSX golang profiling do not work.


  • Support Multiple Fluentd Endpoint (Failover / RB)
  • Bosh release

Thanks to

  • Forked from firehose-to-syslog


Sends Cloudfoundry logs to Fluentd endpoint







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